2: Goodbye

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Lia's POV:

"Okay, so where are we going?" I asked Mum and Dad as we all got into the car.

"We can't tell you; it's a surprise," Mum replied with a smirk. "I know it's a surprise, but you know I hate surprises."

"I know, Bubs, but you will like this one, I promise," she said with a pouty face. "I'm sure I'll like it, I just don't like waiting for it. I'm an impatient person," I said, folding my arms and frowning.

"Yeah, you got that from your mother," Dad chimed in. "Hey!" Mum playfully slapped his arm while her mouth hung open.

"Don't act like it isn't true, Delly," he said with his eyebrows raised. "Okay, fine," Mum accepted the fact.

As we drove, the surprise became longer, and I started to recognise the path we were taking.

"Mum?" I asked with a hesitant voice. "Mm?" She hummed.

"Why are we on the route to the private jet?" I asked concerned. She remained silent, and obviously, I knew what that meant.

"Mum! Come on, I didn't even pack anything," I said in frustration.

"It's not for you, don't worry."

"Then who is it for?" I asked in confusion.

"Angelo and I are going to London to visit Grandma," Dad said.

"Wait, really?" Angelo yelled in excitement. "Is that why you made me pack a whole bag?" He said putting two and two together. Dad just nodded in response.

"And where are we going?" I asked Mum. "Well, we're gonna stay here and have some Li and Mum time," she said while reaching out to my hand.

"Aww, I would love that," I said grabbing onto her hand and squeezing it. "Maybe we can even work on the album while Angelo and Dad are gone," I said with a smile.

"That house is gonna become a whole concert while we're gone, Angelo," Dad said with a chuckle. Mum and I just share a look with each other, confirming Dad's statement.

"Thank goodness we're leaving then," Angelo added. I slapped his shoulder while my jaw dropped. "Rude," I said with a scoff and turned away from him.

"I'm just kidding," he said while laughing.

As we pulled into the hangar, we helped Dad and Angelo get their luggage out of the car and carry it onto the jet.

"How long will you be gone for?" I asked, my mood suddenly dropping.

"2 weeks," Dad said with a sad smile.

"I'll miss you," I said, walking towards Dad and giving him a tight squeeze. He rests his chin on my head, and I can feel his deep voice vibrate through his body, "I'll miss you too." He kissed my forehead and released from the hug.

"Come here, you trouble-maker," I said with arms open. Angelo runs towards me and hugs me tightly.

"I'm also gonna miss you, A, even though the house will be friendlier with you gone," I joked.

"Ha Ha, you're hilarious," he said in a sarcastic tone while rolling his eyes. Angelo quickly hugs Mum goodbye, and Dad takes his time while saying goodbye to Mum.

Their hug probably lasted 5 minutes, and their make-out session probably 4, but luckily Angelo and I made sure all the luggage was secure and safe on the jet, so we kind of skipped that part.

"I'm gonna miss you, Laurie," Dad said bidding his last goodbyes to Mum. "I'm gonna miss you too, Si," she replied with teary eyes. She rests her head on his chest while he gently kisses her head.

"Okay, lovebirds, it's 2 weeks, not 2 years. You've got a flight to catch," I said while opening the car door.

Dad finally gets in the jet, and we wave them goodbye as they start to close the jet's door.

Mum and I get into the car, and she excitedly yells in a high-pitched voice, "Vacay!" I laugh at her enthusiasm, and then I quickly chirped in by saying, "Mum, you're usually on a 6-year vacay, calm down," and she cackles at my joke.

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