Time Passes

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A couple years had passed since the day Bella and Edward were kicked out. The Cullens had moved away from Forks and while many were still sad about what had happened, they accepted that this was the way it had to be. Yes, they still missed their brother, but they also acknowledged that the person he had turned into was not the brother they once knew and loved.

They had seen Bella and Edward from time to time since they had left that day. The first time being a few months after. The two had come to them as they were setting up their new home and simply expected to be welcomed back home and into the family. It was like they did not understand why they were kicked out in the first place and were convinced that once the family had time to cool down and think about it they would apologize to the two and beg them to come back. Carlisle had told them in no uncertain terms that his decision was final and would not be allowing them back into their coven until they at least showed sincere remorse and had some personal growth.

The second time they came back to the family they were angry. There was a lot of yelling that time as they accused the family of doing this as a way to teach them a lesson, but their fun was over now and it was time to allow them to come home. The family simply shook their heads in disappointment this time and told them to leave, shutting the door in their faces.

The last time they had seen the pair they had been desperate. It was clear to the family from how they were acting and the state they were in that they did not like having to care for themselves. Sure, Carlisle had not sent them off penniless, but they had obviously used it all and not realized that money did not just come from nowhere. 

Neither it seemed wanted to get a job or could hold one down if they did. At one point they apparently even tried to join the Volturi, but Aro had read Edward's mind again and not liked what he saw there. Marcus had also been against them joining. While Adeline had not come out and said it in her letters and conversations she had with him, he had realized that all the drama could be traced back to the pair and did not want to deal with that. Which meant that the pair was now poor and desperately wanted to rejoin the family and be able to live a carefree life like they had before. But once again the family stood firm and turned them away.

Even Esme had stood firm. She was the kindest and quickest to forgive, so it was a bit of a shock to the rest of the family. But she explained that those two needed to learn the truth of the way the world worked and grow up a little and it was clear that they were not learning that while a part of their family where they covered for their mistakes. She did admit though that if the two ever grew up and got over their childishness then she would happily welcome them home. 

Not all of them agreed with that. They still cared for their brother sure, but there had been too many times where the pair had carelessly hurt or endangered them for most of the family to ever forgive the pair. Though none of them ever voiced this to Esme who lived in hope that someday the son she once knew would return. There was no point. They all knew the chances of Edward and Bella changing their ways and growing up were slim. If not impossible.

More time passed and they did not see Edward and Bella, although they still heard about how they were doing from their friends around the world from time to time. Most of it was not good. Apparently the two had gone back to feeding on humans and both showed an alarming lack of self-control and discretion. They were officially on the Volturi's watch-list and Jasper had no doubt that in the end the two would end up getting themselves killed. 

In the meantime though, Adeline had gone through her final settling and was now considered fully mature. Although she had spent a week setting things on fire as she figured out how to control her final element. It had gotten so bad at the start that Emmet had actually followed her around the whole day carrying a fire extinguisher as a joke. She would have gotten mad at him for it, but the sad fact was she really had needed it.

Alice had also found her mate. Turns out the reason why it had taken them so long to meet was that he had been searching for his missing father, a policeman who had gone missing while on the job. He had the power to tell if someone was lying just by hearing them talk and had been using that to find out what happened to him. He hadn't even known that vampires had mates until he ran into Alice and felt the connection.

The two were currently in the process of planning what was shaping up to be the most amazing wedding ever. If the family had thought Alice was bad when if came to parties or Bella's wedding, it was nothing compared to her own. Adeline and Jasper had actually considered fleeing across country just to escape her. The only thing stopping them was that Nicolas, her mate was always able to distract her and calm her down when she became too much.

Overall, they were good years. The family spent time together and apart living their lives in peace and drama free for the most part. There were always sibling squabbles and pranks, but that was just part of being a family. Adeline and Jasper had never been more content and though they had discussed the possibility of children, both had ultimately decided to wait a few more years before moving forward with it.

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