More Drama Comes Calling

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Two weeks later all the Cullens were gathered in the living room, waiting for Edward and Bella to come home. They had gotten a call earlier from the two telling them that Bella was pregnant and they were coming home early to deal with it.

Adeline was in shock, trying to figure out how this had happened when she had specifically warned Edward that this could happen. She was sure she had made it clear to him that they had no idea what would happen if a human tried to have a vampire's baby, so why didn't he take precautions? Jasper was by her side, holding her close, just as Emmet and Carlisle were doing with their wives, while Alice sat next to them, her hands in Adeline's as she desperately tried to use her gift to see something.

The whole family tensed up as they heard a car pull into the driveway, no one really sure what to expect. Rosalie was the only one who was supportive of this, believing that every woman had the right to have children, even if no one had any idea how this pregnancy would turn out.

As soon as they had stepped through the door, Carlisle had taken them off to preform some tests, trying to determine if the baby was going to be a risk to Bella or if Carlisle could even figure out anything and give them an idea on what to expect. To their shock, he could not. No needle could get to it and it was not showing up on the ultrasound.

This sparked even more conflict within the family. Edward wanted to get rid of it as it risked Bella's life and Bella wanted to keep it. Rose and Esme were on Bella's side, both knowing what it meant to want to have children and protect them, while Carlisle and Alice were on Edwards. Emmet stayed out of it claiming neutral, while Jasper and Adeline sat off to the side, still thinking everything through.

Soon though the family turned to them, both sides wanting them to tip the scale in their favour and side with them.

"How did this even happen?" Adeline finally asked. "I know I warned you of the dangers Edward. So how did this happen?"

Edward looked down as Bella spoke up with a blush, "I didn't want to use a ... a condom. I wanted our first time to be perfect."

"So, you decided that that was better than being safe? And then you didn't even think to take a morning after pill or something?" Adeline was shocked and quickly coming to the realization that they might as well have planned this with how careless they had been.

Reading her thoughts Edward growled out, "we did not plan this."

"No, but you also didn't do anything to stop it" Jasper stated speaking up for the first time.

"Whatever, are you going to help me convince Bella or not?"

"No! You should support me! Adeline, you know what wanting kids is like don't you? How could you take this chance away from me?"

Adeline sighed, glancing between Edward and Bella as she spoke. "I'm not on anyone's side. I warned you of the danger before. You were the one who allowed your wife to talk you out of taking precautions. This is no one's fault but your own. And as such, I am leaving it to the two of you to decide because ultimately, it is your child and you two will be the ones who will have to make the final decision."

She stood and left the room then, not wanting to watch her family grow even more divided.

"She's right you know; this is your doing and your problem. And while we will be around to support you in whatever you choose, we will not be helping to make that decision for you." Jasper followed after his wife when he finished, leaving both Edward and Bella to glare at the door they disappeared through.

A few more days had passed and Bella's bump had grown faster than anyone thought possible. It had begun to worry them all, especially as she began to look sicker and sicker. Carlisle kept running tests but all of them were leading no where and they were all at a loss on what to do next.

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