Returning Home

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Jasper waited in the lobby of the airport with the rest of his family. He was anxious and worried. Though he had talked to his Adeline only a short time ago, not being able to talk to her while on the plane due to her phone dying and her not having a charger cord with her, he was still worried. What if the Volturi changed their minds? What if they decided they wanted to keep the last Elemental close? What if the plane crashed? Okay that last worry was a little ridiculous, but with nothing to do but wait, his mind apparently had nothing better to do then put forth worst case scenarios.

"Dude, just calm down" Emmet commented from beside him.

Jasper shot him a glare, "and just how do you suppose I do that?"

"I don't know. Go read the flight boards or something. Isn't that their plane landing now?"

Jasper's head shot up at that, indeed the flight logs display did say that her plane had just landed. Now all he had to do was wait the agonizing time it would take for them to get through customs.

After what felt like hours, Jasper spotted Edward's head in the crowd making his way towards them. The minute they got close enough, Jasper moved forward, pulling Adeline into his arms and leaning his head down to take in her scent.

They stayed like that as the rest of the family exchanged greetings and hugs before moving out to the cars. Adeline rode in the back seat with Jasper, who had yet to let her go, with Carlisle and Esme in the front, the others following behind in Emmet's Jeep.

Jasper pulled her onto his lap, neither of them bothering with seatbelts, just as Carlisle asked, "How did it go with the Volturi?" Jasper had relayed that everything was fine, but he wanted to make sure his children were alright.

"It went fine. Aro was a little upset to learn that my parents had faked their deaths, but he doesn't blame me. He did offer that I could live with them in Volterra if I wanted though." Jasper growled at the thought and pulled her closer, if that were even possible.

"Fear not Tesoro, I told them I would not be parted from you. Which Aro understood. But then he offered that you could also come. He even knew the title you went by when we were with Maria." Which reminded Adeline to tell Jasper that Maria would soon be dead, but she wanted to do that when they were alone as this seemed like something best discussed in private. "But I told him that we were happy where we were. Which ... I think he understood? Admittedly, he is a very hard man to read, but I think he accepted that I would never want to live there."

"Yes, Aro, for all that he is the most expressive of the kings is often the most difficult to read" Carlisle agreed thinking back to his time with them.

"But you're here to stay right?" Esme asked, turning around to face them, wanting to make sure that her family would not be split up.

"Yep! Here to stay for as long as I am welcome!" She beamed up at her.

Carlisle laughed, "so forever then." They all smiled at that before settling down to enjoy the car ride, happy that everyone had made it home safe and sound.

**Smut Warning** - Sorry, I've been forgetting to put these in, but this scene takes us to the end of the chapter, so if you don't like this stuff, just skip to the next chapter

Upon arriving home however, Jasper picked her up and whisked her off to their bedroom, which he had already set up as a way to distract himself while he waited for her return. He kicked the door shut behind him and practically threw her onto the bed, climbing on top of her before she had a chance to move. "I could have lost you" he breathed staring down at her with unreadable eyes.

His hand moved down between their bodies and slowly he began to run his hands up and down her body.

"Jasper what are you doing?"

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