Rosalie's Past

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A few days later Adeline was hanging out with Rose and chatting while Jasper lounged in her lap, having just gotten back from patrol. Her hands were in his hair gently playing with it, as his mind drifted around, not really focusing on anything in particular. 

He was enjoying the peace as it gave him a break from feeling all of their negative emotions. But as he heard a car approaching and began to sense the emotions of those in it, he knew that peace would be ending. Edward and Bella arrived, both of them a mix of emotions that completely destroyed his peace and he rolled over burying his face in Adeline's stomach to avoid having to get up and do anything.

"Carlisle, I need you to look at Bella's hand" Edward demanded leading her over towards him.

Carlisle dutifully checked it out and as he was wrapping it told Bella, "It's just a sprain. It should heal fairly quickly."

Emmet entered the room then, taking notice of what was happening. "Trying to walk and chew gum at the same time again, Bella?" Adeline turned away then, hiding her smile.

"I punched a werewolf in the face."

"Badass. You're gonna be one tough little newborn" His statement making Rose and Adeline frown.

"Tough enough to take you on" Bella joked, glad that somebody at least was on the side they were supposed to be on; hers. Rose threw her paper down and marched out of the room at this.

"Don't worry about it" Emmet glanced over his shoulder where his Rose had gone, knowing she was upset but needed time to cool off.

"Got any leads?" Edward tried to change the subject.

"No sign of the intruder, although Victoria continues to make appearances" Jasper called from his place on her lap.

Meanwhile, Bella took this chance to head out after Rosalie. Both Jasper and Adeline following her with their eyes. They both thought it might be a good idea for Rose to clear the air with Bella and explain her point of view on vampires, but on the other hand they also knew that Bella being so focused on what she wanted may just set Rose off. Neither of them moved, but Jasper did focus on their emotions, while at the same time talking quietly with Adeline to try and give them some privacy.

As Rose and Bella talked, Jasper could feel a mix of emotions coming from Rose, brought on by her thinking about her past and what had happened to her. There was some happiness that came from remembering her family, but it quickly turned to pain, anger and grief the longer she talked. 

Bella in contrast, he noted angrily, seemed to only be feeling boredom and irritation at Rose telling her story. Only Adeline's hands, still in his hair, kept him from getting up and giving the girl a piece of his mind.

When Rose came back in and headed off towards her room, Adeline gently pushed Jasper off her and followed. She knocked on her door and when she heard Rosalie call out, she stepped in. She found her sitting on the floor, staring at herself in the mirror. Neither girl said anything, Adeline simply walked up to her and sat down beside her.

She had not suffered as Rose had, their traumas too different to compare, but she understood it to a point. Fredrick had tried to hurt her as Royce King and his friends had managed to do to Rosalie, so she understood at least some of the terror of that situation. That feeling of shock that someone you knew would try and hurt you in that way. That your trust could have been so misplaced. Although she knew it must have been a thousand times worse for her sister.

She also understood, again to a point, what it felt like to have your life stolen from you when you had it all planned out in your mind. She had thought when Jasper had come back from the war that they would marry and settle down to raise their children. That they would live a happy and simple life together that would span one mortal lifetime, but that was apparently not what fate had planned for them. Just as it was not what fate had planned for Rosalie.

She reached out and took her hand. "I'm glad that I got to meet you, Rose. And I'm glad that you're my sister."

Rose smiled at this and leaned her head to the side to rest it against Adeline's. "Thanks. I'm glad I got the chance to meet you too."

"This life may not be what you planned or what you wanted, but so long as we stick together, I do believe that we can find happiness. After all, we both have men that love us just as much as we love them and siblings to share our days with and parents who love and care for us." Rose smiled at that, glad that she had Adeline here to cheer her up.

They both sat in silence like that for a few more minutes, until Emmet came into the room and scooped his Rose up into her arms. Spinning her around, he carried her to the bed. 

Adeline stood up and headed for the door, turning around as she left to smile at the sight before her; her sister tucked into bed with her big husband curled up around her, holding her close.

Yes, she thought, this may not be what we planned, but I have to admit it is still wonderful in its own way. And with that she let the door close quietly behind her and went to find her own husband.

~Hey, sorry again for another chapter that is a little on the short side, but I felt that Rosalie and her past deserved their own chapter even if I was going to avoid expressly talking about what happened to her~

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