Catching up

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Jasper kept running and didn't stop until he had reached the house that Peter had told him they were staying at when he offered Jasper a chance to join him. Adeline had fallen asleep sometime during the journey and was now resting comfortably in his arms as he arrived. The moment he stopped Peter and Charlotte were out of the house, crouched in defensive positions, ready to attack at the first sign of danger. Upon recognizing him though they straightened up, confused looks on their faces.

"What's with the lady" Peter asked.

"She's my mate" Jasper mumbled, still half in shock over finding Adeline. "Maria had her locked up in that barn for who knows how long." He added, his words coming out as more of a growl as his anger began to resurface and the Major began to fight for control again.

Sensing this, Charlotte was quick to act. "Would you like to lay her down inside? There is a bed in the back room that came with the house. She can use it; it would probably be more comfortable for her."

Jasper nodded his head in agreement and moved towards the house, Peter and Charlotte backing out of his way as he did. Both of them knew that it is not wise to get in the way of a vampire when they are worried over their mate. Especially not one as dangerous and skilled as Jasper was. He moved to the back room and laid Adeline out on the bed, pulling a blanket over her once he had her settled.

As he did, he caught sight of something clenched in her hand. He had noticed that she kept one hand clenched tight in a fist, but he hadn't realized that she had something in it. Very gently, so as to not wake her, he uncurled her fingers to reveal a small metallic star attached to a frayed ribbon. Recognizing it as a medal of honour, his brows furrowed in confusion. As far as he knew, Adeline didn't know any soldiers that had received one.

He felt jealousy bubble up at the thought of her meeting another man and growing close enough with him to have been given his medal. Fighting the urge to crush it in his hand, he turned it over to see the name on the back. He wasn't sure what he would do when he found out the man's name, but he couldn't fight his curiosity.

As he saw the words engraved on the back he sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes darted over to Adeline's face and back to the medal. There pressed into it was the name "Major Jasper Whitlock" and his years of service. He had no idea when he had been awarded one or for what, but the mere fact that she had apparently carried it with her all these years made his heart clench painfully. On the way here he had worried that once she was free and realized what he was that she would want nothing to do with him now. This medal gave a spark of hope that she might still care for him enough to accept him and who he had become.

Carefully setting it down on the nightstand next to her bed, he sat next her. He gently stroked her hair back from her face, examining every inch he could see. Apart from the scares on her wrists, she had no discernible injuries or scares. Although, judging by the state of her dress, that had not always been true. There were old blood stains scattered across it and the scent of his mates spilled blood brought his rage back to the front of his mind.

He had done a lot of things he was not proud of since becoming a vampire and seen worse, but he didn't think anything was comparable to treatment his Adeline had received. For if there was one thing he was sure of it was that there was no way Adeline could have possibly committed a crime horrible enough to warrant such treatment. Which meant that she, an innocent, had been locked away and hurt for no discernible reason and he simply couldn't fathom how someone could purposely harm a girl so kind and gentle in such a way.

Drawing in a deep breath, he gave her face one last caress as he prepared to stand up and leave her to her rest. All he really wanted to do was lay down beside her and hold her tight so he could be sure that she was safe and unharmed. But he knew he had to talk to Peter and Charlotte about what had happened and warn them that Maria would be after them.

Loving The Major - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now