Moving to Forks

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Once again it had come time for the Cullens to move. This time it was Carlisle's turn to pick and he chose a quite town in Washington called Forks. Apparently, the rest of the family had lived there a while back, but this would be Adeline's, Jasper's and Alice's first time.

Everyone had assured them that they would love it though. The whole town was apparently surrounded with forests and mountains, giving them plenty of room to hunt and explore. Esme had also told Adeline that the temperature didn't usually drop much below zero in the winter so she would definitely be able to have a wonderful garden. Which had excited her as they were currently living in Alaska with their cousins and, as lovely as it was, it was difficult to get things to grow there.

Alice had quickly become excited about new stores to check out. While Forks was not a big town with lots of stores, there were apparently some decent sized ones within a few hours. She was already making plans to visit some under the guise of getting what they needed for school.

As for Jasper, he was happy to finally be leaving all the snow behind them. As a vampire he couldn't feel the cold, but he would be glad to no longer be pelted with it every time he set foot outside. It seemed that Emmet never tired of snowball fights. Although he couldn't really judge as he and everyone else in the family had started their fair share of them as well.

The only thing none of the Cullen children were looking forward to was the fact that they would have to go back to school. They had taken a break from it while with their cousins, but now that they would be living in an actual town, not the middle of nowhere, they had to blend in.

Nevertheless, they all packed up and headed towards their new home that Esme had designed. All their furniture had already been ordered and delivered as well as their "props" like cooking tools and such to avoid suspicion. Their clothes and bigger items had also already been shipped down. Leaving only their smaller personal things and cars to be moved.

Miraculously, they managed to make everything fit into the backs of the four cars. Though personally Adeline wondered if that would be a possibility on their next move. It seemed to her that every time they moved somewhere, they seemed to collect more and more things. However, she brushed it off as a problem for later and hoped into the passenger seat of Jasper's truck, settling in to enjoy the long drive.

Carlisle and Esme had gone the day before in their car to get everything sorted out as they were the only ones who looked old enough to handle that sort of thing. Which meant that it was just the "kids" leaving today. Rosalie and Emmet were in her car, and Edward had offered Alice a ride in his so nobody was stuck in the backseat for the drive. Which left Adeline and Jasper together in his truck. Something she didn't mind at all. She loved her family and her time with them, but she would never turn down the chance to spend some alone time with Jasper.

As they pulled out, Adeline rolled down her window to wave goodbye to their cousins who were standing on the porch, calling out some last farewells.

The drive was pleasant and both of them enjoyed it, talking about various topics and singing along to songs they knew on the radio. However, as they got closer to their destination, Adeline noticed Jasper's mood souring.

"What's wrong Tesoro? I thought you were happy to be getting the chance to explore somewhere new?"

He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. "I am. Just not looking forward to starting school again."

Adeline made a sound of agreement, not excited for it either. "At least if the students there are like all the others, they will lose interest in us very quickly."

"They never fully lose interest" he mumbled, thinking of all the emotions he usually felt when at school. That was always where his gift most overwhelmed him and he hated it. All those hormonal teenagers drove him nuts, especially when they're emotions were aimed at his family. He had lost track of the times he wanted to snap a guys neck for the emotions that rolled off the male students whenever his sisters or wife was in their sight.

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