Stupid Gullible Humans

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"We have to leave" Jasper stated, easily falling into the roll of leader. "Darlin' you stay here to help Bella pack. Alice and I will go check out and bring the car around. Whatever you do, don't leave this room until we come back. Okay?"

"Okay" both Alice and Adeline agreed. Adeline reached up to give Jasper a quick reassuring kiss on the cheek and he ran his hand over her head, brushing her hair back and giving her a kiss on her forehead in return.

As Adeline and Bella were packing up their things, Adeline wondering how their things could have gotten so scattered in such a short time, Bella's phone rang once again. When Adeline heard her greet her mother, she stepped out of the bedroom, trying to give the girl some privacy.

When Bella came out of the room however, she looked panicked and Adeline rushed over to her. "What's wrong?"

"It's my mom! He has my mom!" she rushed out.

"Okay, calm down. We'll go find Jasper and Alice and together we can figure out what to do." She said, trying to reassure the girl, while she thought of how this could have happened and what they could do about it.

"No! He said if I brought any vampires with me, he would kill her! I can't let them know!"

"Are you crazy?! Do you really think you stand a chance against him!? He's not only a vampire, but a sadistic one that enjoys playing with his prey. You wouldn't last five seconds against him!" Adeline was panicking at this point, wishing that Jasper or Alice would walk through the door right now because she did not know what to do or how to talk some sense into Bella.

"Then come with me! He said I couldn't bring a vampire, but you're not one" Bella suggested, not really caring if it put the other girl in danger, she just did not want to go alone.

Adeline stood there for a few seconds debating her choices. She stood no chance against the Tracker either and she knew that. She also knew that she would be breaking the promise she made to Jasper. But this was the girl that was making her brother happy, the one he was trying so hard to protect and she could not just let her walk into what was obviously going to be a trap alone.

"Look I'm going whether you come with me or not." Bella began to move towards the door, and in that moment, Adeline made her decision.

"Wait I'm coming!" She rushed over to the table and grabbed the pad of paper. Scribbling out a quick explanation to Jasper as well as an apology to him, she left it beside Alice's sketch, knowing that was likely where they were headed. When finished she rushed out the door to catch up with Bella. Somehow, they were able to make it outside to hail a cab and slip away without Jasper or Alice catching them.

The whole ride there, Adeline was shaking, silently berating herself for allowing Bella to convince her to do this and silently praying that Jasper and the rest of the family would get there in time.

Arriving at the studio, Adeline tried to pull Bella to a stop. She wanted to get Bella to calm down so they could think this through instead of just rushing in without a plan, but Bella simply tugged her arm free and ran off into the building.

Cursing the girl's stupidity, Adeline took off after her. She moved at a slower pace, looking around for any sign of James. They heard a woman call out for Bella, who Adeline assumed must be her mom, and Bella took off again, Adeline still trailing behind her.

As they got into the main studio, Bella rushed over to a door that the voice seemed to be coming from completely focused on it, while Adeline looked around for any sign of James. She had just looked up to the rafters, catching his eye, as he jumped down landing behind them both. He let out a laugh, just as Bella opened the door to see that it was only a recording.

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