The Battle

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~Sorry I didn't mean to leave anyone on a cliff hangar for two days by not getting this chapter edited and posted. (not that we all don't know how the battle goes) I just got busy with school stuff and didn't have time to get to editing it~

Jasper stood in line with his family, the wolves behind in the trees hidden from sight. He could feel the nerves and worries of his family, but like he had learned to do so many years ago, he pushed them away and focused. He let everything else fade away until all he could hear was the pounding of the newborn's feet and their growls as they approached. Slowly he let himself recede as Major took over. He let out a low growl and flexed his hands, determination shinning in his eyes; no one under his protection would be dying today.

When they broke through the trees, he was the first one to act, charging ahead of his family and taking the head off the first newborn that got close to him. From then on it was chaos; his family and the wolves clashing against the newborns. 

All around the Major could hear the sounds of limbs being torn off and growls coming from all sides. Most of the wolves and his family were working in pairs or groups to tear the newborns apart while guarding each other's backs. But Major was all over the battle, going from one target to the next, ensuring that his family was as safe as possible. He took out any threats he saw, newborns that were moving better or faster than others and ones that looked to be maintaining their composure better. He had spent years fighting against them and knew exactly what to look for and how to best utilize his skills to bring his side to victory.

He felt a sting on his arm as a newborn latched on while he had been tearing another one apart and he viciously grabbed hold of it, breaking its head off without ever slowing down. He raced towards a wolf that had been pinned down and broke the head off the newborn before it had a chance to fully get its arms around the wolf.

Then he was off again, scanning the area with all his senses to see who needed help next. He headed towards Alice, jumping up to land on the back of the newborn closing in on her, tearing off his arms in one smooth motion as they hit the ground.

The battle continued on for a little while longer, until Emmet eventually took out the last newborn as it tried to flee. After that they all spread out to gather the bodies and pile them up to be burned. 

During this Jasper slowly came back to himself as the Major retreated. Once he had full control, he immediately became impatient, wanting to speed up the mountain and check on Adeline. He had yet to see Victoria or any newborn that looked to really be in charge, so he knew they must still be out there and he worried for her safety. He had been able to push it away during the battle, focusing on the opponent in front of him and the safety of his family, but now there was nothing left to distract him. Until Alice called out for their attention as she came out of a vision.

"The Volturi are coming!" She turned to the closest wolf, "can you let Seth know that we need everyone down here as fast as possible?" The wolf gave a nod and Jasper relaxed; Adeline would be here soon.

Adeline's side of the battle

Adeline greeted Seth as he arrived, both of them still a way off from the others. She reached out her hand without thinking, but caught herself just before touching him and was about to pull it away before Seth ducked his head under it, allowing her to pet him. 

"Wow, you guys really are as soft as you look" she said amazed and continued to pet him. Soon he was seated at her feet, almost knocking her down as he leaned against her enjoying the way she was scratching his head.

"We should probably head back to the camp so Jacob knows you're here" she sighed, not really wanting to.

They slowly made their way back, arriving just in time to see Bella kiss Jacob.

Loving The Major - Jasper HaleTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon