Sad Truths

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"I'm telling you it has to be Victoria" Rosalie told everyone irritably.

It had been a few days since Rosalie had shared her past with Bella and once again, they were discussing the newborn army and who was behind it all.

"Alice would have seen it" Edward argued back, "it has to be the Volturi. Who else would have the skill needed for this? Or even a reason to do it?"

"It ain't the Volturi, Edward" Jasper cut in, "you talk about their skill, but this army isn't being created by someone with skill. They're out of control and drawing far too much attention to themselves. If the Volturi were in charge of them, they wouldn't be ending up on the news everyday."

"Then who else could it be?!" Bella demanded angrily. "It has to be them! This is just the sort of over-the-top thing they would do! Besides, as we already covered the only other person mad at us is Victoria. Which just doesn't make any sense! Creating a whole army just to avenge one crazy sadistic vampire? It's insane!"

(I know in the actual story Bella was the one that thought it was Victoria, but lets be real, she would totally agree with anything Edward said and defend him even if there was no logic to support his claims)

"Bella, one can never predict what grief will drive some to do. Especially not when it involves the loss of a mate" Carlisle told her gently.

"Well, we don't have to wonder what some idiots would do, do we?" Rosalie cut in, sending a look towards Bella and Edward. "Some of us are just a match made in dramatic stupidity. Romeo and Juliet style. I mean -"

"That's not very nice, Rose" Adeline interrupted gently, trying to stop another argument from breaking out.

"Maybe, but it's the truth" she shot back defensively, still on edge from all the memories talking about her past had brought up. "Can you honestly say that you would do something like that if, God forbid, you lost Jasper? Run off to Italy and almost get your family and countless innocents killed just so you could die too?"

Adeline looked at her sadly, "I wouldn't have to."

That response caught Rosalie off guard as well as the rest of the family. They all turned their full attention on her, Jasper even pulling back so he could see her face.

"What's that supposed to mean Darlin'?"

Adeline looked down at her lap and played with her fingers, unable to meet his eyes. "Elementals don't tend to outlive their mates by more than a few days" she quietly confessed.

Her mind travelled back to those awful few days so many decades ago. She recalled how her mother had known the instant her father was killed. The bond had snapped and she had fallen to the ground screaming out in agony at the loss. Poor Adeline had been too young to fully understand what had been happening. 

For the next three days she had watched, heartbroken and horrified, as her mother faded away before her eyes. She remembered the feeling of her mother's hand growing cold and still in her own. Her grief and loneliness as her mother's words finally sank in and she realized that her mother would not be waking up again. That her father would never walk back through their front door again. That she was alone in the world. Even almost a 160 years later, those memories still brought a heart wrenching sense of grief to her.

Jasper, picking up on her growing distress, pulled her close, rubbing soft circles along her back in comfort. He didn't understand what had brought it on and he desperately wanted answers as to what she meant, but he would take it slow and not push. You didn't have to be an empath to see that this topic was upsetting to her.

"So, what? You all commit suicide or something?" Bella asked rudely, growing impatient for answers. She remembered Adeline mentioning something of the sort when they were with the wolves, but she honestly had not been paying much attention. Jasper sent her a warning glare, but she ignored it. "Are you guys just above revenge or something?"

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