A Stressful Week

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It had been a week since Edward had left. In that time the rest of the siblings had been subjected to near constant staring by Bella. It seemed that she was always looking at them, in the parking lot, the cafeteria, and in any class they shared. She looked as if she expected Edward to simply pop up at any moment, even when it was clear he was not going to. Overall, it was a long and tense week for the Cullen family and tensions were running high by the time that Friday came about and they could escape the prying eyes of the human for two days.

Adeline could tell that Jasper was especially affected, feeling not just his own emotions, but everyone in the family's. Which led her to suggesting that they take a walk Saturday morning as a chance to get away from everyone else and give him a break from his gift.

As they strolled through the woods, talking about various mundane things, their worries began to fade away for what felt like the first time all week. The relief of seeing Jasper relax eventually led to Adeline feeling playful enough to start up a game of tag.

They had always loved to race each other when they were young and that had not changed. They had simply altered and the changed the rules they played by now to better suit their personalities and abilities. Elementals all tended to love games and are playful in nature, while vampires thrive on the thrill of the hunt. As such, these two differing traits worked wonderfully when they played their altered form of tag.

She would get a minute head start and then he would try to catch her, without the use of his vampire speed, which led to him stalking after her through the woods as she ran and laughed. She loved every minute of it knowing that no matter how far she ran, Jasper would always be behind her. How in the end his strong arms would wrap around her and swing her around, a crooked smile on his face and mischief in his eyes.

Jasper also loved the game, his instincts to hunt always sang when they played. The fact that it was his mate he was chasing only making it all the more thrilling. The sound of Adeline's laughter from up ahead never failed to make him smile. Knowing that he was the one who brought out such carefree laughter that was tinged with excitement only serving to heighten his enjoyment.

Although he had to admit his favourite part of the game was probably the moment when he caught her. Her cheeks would be flushed and her eyes gleaming with excitement. She always looked so stunning in those moments that he always lost control of himself. But that was hardly a bad thing. After all, why else would a predator give chase if not to devour their prey, and he loved devouring his darling mate. He loved to run his mouth and hands over every inch of her skin and to bite and nip at her until she was covered in his marks, making it clear that she was his.

Yes, they both truly loved their games of tag. Which is why when he felt her emotions shift into playfulness and she gave him a small smack on the arm, shouting out "you can't catch me!" before taking off into the woods, he only let out a small chuckle before beginning to count to sixty before following her.

When time was up, he set off after her. He followed her scent and the faint sounds of laughter he could hear from up ahead. She led him all over the woods as he slowly closed the distance between them, savouring the thrill of the chase.

Surprisingly, his girl could cover a lot of ground when she wanted. Whether that was due to her connection to the elements or some other enhancement that came from her being an elemental he did not know. Either way it always made for an interesting hunt that was never over too quickly.

When he did finally get close enough to see her, she was in a denser section of the forest, weaving between the trees as her dress fluttered around her legs. He let out a growl, loud enough for her to hear so she would know that he was close. She answered with a shriek of delight, quickly glancing over her shoulder to throw him a smile before turning around to pick up her pace.

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