Field Trip

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The next day was a field trip for all the biology students. Adeline, Jasper, Alice and Edward gathered in the parking lot together with the rest of the students that were going. Although Adeline refused to acknowledge Edward, still upset over what he had said last night. Instead, she chose to stay wrapped in Jasper's arms as they quietly talked to one another. At least until Alice caught their attention by raising her voice to try and get Edwards attention. "Edward? Edward! Geez are you listening to anything I have been saying?" She said with a pout.

Jasper let out a scoff, "he hasn't. He's been to busy eavesdropping in on Bella's conversation."

"Edward" Adeline gasped. She was shocked at not only his lack of manners, but also at the fact that he was paying attention to the girl when they were supposed to be trying their best to ignore her.

Edward growled at them both before stalking off to get on the bus. They followed after him and took their seats. Edward at the very back, brooding against the window. Alice across from him, and Adeline and Jasper in front of her. Adeline crawled onto Jasper's lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder so she could chat with Alice.

The two of them talked the whole way to the Greenhouse about a trip they were planning on taking one weekend to do some shopping with Rose and Esme. While Jasper entertained himself by placing kisses along her neck the whole way there. Smirking as he could feel the jealously coming from the boys on the seat across from him at the fact that Adeline was on his lap. Although, he did wish they were alone so he could do more than just kiss her neck.

When they arrived at the greenhouse, they all filed off the bus and the four stuck together. Jasper offering Adeline his arm, like the southern gentleman he was raised to be, so that he could escort her. They trailed along with the class, Adeline loving the chance to see all the flowers and trailing her fingers along them feeling the pulse of life within each one.

Jasper kept glancing over at her, loving the happy look on her face. He picked up a flower that had fallen from a plant, he was not about to damage one for her knowing she would hate that, and offered it to her. She gave him a bright smile accepting it and tucked it behind her ear, subtly using her powers as she did to feed fresh life into it so that it would last longer.

Chuckling at her actions, Jasper placed a soft kiss on her head. Opening his mouth to tease her about it, he stopped as he caught the beginning of a conversation between Edward and the human they were supposed to be avoiding. Looking up to see Edward had approached the girl, he let out a small growl frustrated with his brother who seemed determined to endanger his family.

Adeline, picking up on his sudden shift in mood, looked up to see what had caused it. Catching sight of Edward and Bella, she sighed and pulled Jasper with her out of the building. She loved her brother, she really did and wanted to be there to support him. It was clear as day that he had some kind of feelings for this human, but she just could not figure out if she should encourage his feelings or not given the risk the girl presented to the family. The last thing she wanted was them getting in trouble with the Volturi and god forbid, being punished.

Exiting the greenhouse and heading behind a building where they were out of sight, she let out a sigh and leaned her head against Jasper's chest rubbing her hands up and down his arms to try and sooth him. He eventually began to relax and one of his arms came around her while the other reached for her chin to tilt her head up so he could see her face. "I'm sorry Darlin' I did not mean to upset you."

"No, it's fine. It was not you who was upsetting me. I'm just so confused about the whole situation and don't know what I should be doing" she said a frown on her face.

Jasper bent down to give her a small kiss. "Don't worry about any of it Darlin'. It will all sort itself out," he told her, praying silently that it was the truth.

She gave him a smile and reached up on her toes to give him a kiss. "Thank you, Tesoro. You always know how to make me feel better."

He smiled, glad she was feeling better and leaned down to give her a proper kiss this time. Her hands ran up his body and around his shoulders to hold him closer as one of his own ran up her back to bury itself in her hair. The kiss turned heated as they fought a short battle for dominance, Jasper of course winning, as he slid his tongue into her mouth.

All thoughts flew from her head as all she could focus on was Jasper's lips on hers, and she tugged at his hair trying to bring him closer. Not that it was really possible given how close they already were.

Just then, someone cleared their throat from off to the side and they broke apart in surprise. Jasper subtly moving so he was between her and the person, only to let out a sigh when he realized it was only Alice.

"Really guys?" she sighed exasperated. "You two are ridiculous!"

"Why are you here Alice?" Jasper growled, upset that they were interrupted.

"It's time to go. We are getting back on the buses" she said before turning to head off in the direction of the parking lot.

Adeline giggled and linked her hand with Jasper's. "I guess we better go before she comes back to drag us onto the bus." He sighed and pulled her into one last short kiss before leading her off towards their bus.

They arrived just in time to hear Alice ask if Bella would be riding with them and Edward rudely proclaiming that their bus was full before storming onto it. Adeline sent the girl a small smile as they passed and got on the bus, feeling bad for her as Edward continued to toy with her emotions.

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