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When next she woke, it was in a barn. She was lying on the floor, dried blood running down the side of her head. Heavy chains were attached to both her wrists binding her to the floor so she could only move a few feet in any direction. Just as she was getting her bearings back and beginning to panic as she remembered what had happened, the barn door creaked open, just enough to allow the vampire who had taken her to slip through.

"Well, well, up already I see. You Elementals really do recover fast, don't you? Although you are still a young one, are you not?" She mused, gliding forward with a satisfied grin on her face. "How do you like your new home?" she asked, twirling around once with her arms spread to show off the barn. "It has everything you will need; nice chains to keep you from leaving and to dampen your powers, and special ruins carved into the wood by a vampire I once new that will prevent any sound or sign of you, besides your calming affect, from escaping! It means you can shout all you want and no one will ever know that you are in here! You will be my perfect tool, the unseen force that will allow my newborns to better control their thirst without them being distracted by your presence!" she exclaimed, clapping her hands once in joy. While Adeline's heart sank with each passing word, growing more and more panicked, although she desperately tried to hide it. The last thing Adeline wanted was to give this sadistic woman the pleasure of seeing just how terrified she really was.

"Enjoy your stay here!" the woman said before turning to leave. "Oh, one more thing" she said as she paused by the door and Adeline's heart stuttered wondering what more this woman could have in store for her. "I forgot to introduce myself. I am Maria, although you can just call me Master" and with that she glided out of the barn.

Adeline stared at the closed door, reality setting in. She was now trapped, as so many Elementals before her had been. As her fear overtook her, tears slid down her face and she collapsed to the ground sobbing. Clenching her fists in her skirts in a vain attempt to ground herself, she let out a yelp as something hard and sharp dug into her hand.

Pulling the object out, she was shocked to see Jasper's medal resting in the palm of her hand. She had completely forgotten about it and was surprised that it hadn't fallen out of her pocket with all that had happened.

The sight of it though brought on a fresh wave of grief overwhelming her fear for her situation as the reality of Jasper being gone once again hit her like a blow to the chest.

Clutching the medal tight in her hands, she brought it up to her chest as she desperately prayed that this was all nothing but a bad dream. That somehow she had fallen ill and everything that had happened, losing Jasper, her run in with Fredrick, and now being trapped in this barn was nothing more than a series of hallucinations brought about by a high fever.

Loving The Major - Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now