I can't lose her.

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"Leo i-im blee-blee-ding" I freeze hearing those words, she got shot, no, no, no, no this isn't happening, she just closed her eyes, no she has to wake up.

"Fuck NOOOOO!" I let out a furious scream

"Oh no Leo you're bleeding we have to get you to the hospital" Ru- who is she again says touching my shoulder.

"Fuck off, and get your filthy hand off my shoulder!" She gaps, I didn't even care about her.

I just got grazed nothing I can't handle unlike Amelia she got penetrated by a bullet or maybe bullets.

I quickly pick Amelia up with her purse and rush out of the Cafe, I hope she makes it, no she has to make it.

"Lee Leo?" She's very weak, atleast she not completely out of it or maybe I woke her up when I picked her shit i hope I did not hurt her.

" shhh it's okay sweetheart it's okay, stay with me don't close your eyes" I say as she struggles staying conscious.

"It burns" she hisses and close her eyes.

" I'm sorry sweetheart, please don't talk save your energy" I rush inside my car and tell my driver to drive, I did not drive myself today. I call one of my best doctors to prepare a room for Amelia .

"Petro this is not a social call, I got a shot wound please prepare her a bed I'll be there in a minute" I hang up checking on my sweetheart, I can't lose you Amelia.

Within a minute we were at the hospital, and luckily Petro was already waiting for us, they strapped her on bed and wheeled her to the ICU for surgery.

I paced around the corridor, waiting for news about Amelia, she can't die she's mine, she still has dreams to fulfill, she has Ange- oh Angela, i have to let her know.

I text Damon to let Angela know that Amelia is hospitalized, I don't wanna let her know that she was shot, I don't know how she's gonna take the news, last time Amelia was in the hospital she was panicking so much.

Two hours later, there's still no news, I'm furious, at myself and the one who did this.

I rewatch the cctv of the mall and the Cafe, they were watching her all this time .. I thought those bullets were meant for me but no they really intended to kill My Sweetheart.

I send this cctv to Damon so that he can check everything out and let him know that I want this bastards at the warehouse by the end of today.

Could it be she was shot because of me, what if someone leaked my picture to the mafiaworld and let them know that I am the mafia boss?

It can't be, I've hidden my identity well. Fuck what if they discover that it was all a mask not my face?

"Leo where is she?" Angela comes in running towards me, she's so concerned and breathless.

"Breathe Angela, she's still in surgery"  her eyes pop out, I guess she wasn't expecting that.

" Surgery?" She whispers.

Now that she's here I can't hide this from her.

"I'm sorry Angela, Amelia was shot"

"No no what? How is she, she's scared of blood did she see it? What are the doctors saying? How long has she been in there?" She's rambling a d I don't know which question should I answer first.

She turns to look at me with a furious look, what now?

"It was you right? It's because of you she was shot right?" Fuck I don't know what to say cause at this point I don't know if it was because of me or what? But why would she think isn't because of me?

"Why would you think that? It could have been her evil step mom for all we all and you're here pointing fingers at me" my voice is dangerously low, I don't wanna get pissed at her or make her doubt me more, I don't even know what she thinks for me beside being dangerous.

"I, I'm sorry I just thought' she let's out a sigh, atleast I'm out of the hook for now, I have to stay low key whenever she's around, she can't find out that I'm a mafia king, if she does and tells Amelia I'm fucked.

I just look at her and keep quite.

I see Petro coming towards us, I can't read his facial expression.

"I have bad news"

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