Picking up the pieces.

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It's been a week since I've read the file, Thandeka Primrose Ndlovu is evil,she's the devil, I don't even wanna think about her she almost took me back to my trauma.
I've gone back to work, and it helps a lot when I get busy cooking and baking all this kinds of food, I don't think a lot.

I've started therapy yesterday, but everything is still the same I guess with time I'll see the difference. Nowadays I keep myself busy with work and going through the stack of papers of Liyana's secret recipes.

Come to think of it, my mom's name was Liyana too is this a sign that I'm on the right track? oh how I wish I got a chance just to know her, I wonder if she was gentle and loving but looking at her pictures I can definitely say she's deemed as a peaceful, calm and kind person.

I was thinking of changing this name, but right now it feels so right for it to stay like that. I'll be honoring both mothers who shared the same name, I wonder if mom loved cooking as much as I do? Or is it R?

I saw the letters of my mother and someone named R, I think he's my father.
What actually happened for them to stay away from each other for two months? If my father was always with my mom maybe she would still be alive and I wouldn't have to grow up with Thandeka and her daughter, does he even think about me?

God no! He must think that I've really died with my mother in the fire, I wish I could ask Thandeka but I know she won't tell me anything and that will just alert her that I know, I'm not ready to die yet. I'll make it my mission to find my father then we can confront Thandeka and send her to jail for murder, if my father or his family accepts me ofcourse.

Maybe I could ask Leo for help but I don't wanna depend on him that much and he has already helped me enough, plus Angie made me realize that Leo is more than what he lets on. I guess I'll have to figure this out on my own.

Arghh let me not drift away with my thoughts, I read through the papers absorbing the information about the restaurant, it was really wealthy, she was making more and more everyday year. I hope when I finally take over it will be just as successful. Liyana was very passionate about her creation.

I've been sitting here for the whole hour I need a break, today I got back home early from work so that's why I have all this free time.
Been a while since I've went shopping .

I text Angie letting her know that I'm going out, she's very busy with her first case this days. I know she's gonna do great though only a week left before the trial, I can't wait to see my girl doing her thing.

I take a quick shower and got dressed in a simple floral dress and some strapped sandals.
I take my purse and call a ride.

After a few minutes I get to the mall and its buzzing with people today, I get this unseasy feeling that I'm being watched, i check around me but i don't see any suspicious person who could be watching me. I have to be quick and get out of here.

I finished my shopping spree, I bought a few dresses and jeans for work, now I'm hungry .. I smell an aromatic coffee from a nearby Cafe, reminds me of Lily I quickly went in, it looked cozy inside.

As I looked around my eyes meets Leo's eyes. I quickly look away before I can get lost in his eyes, I check who he is with and it's the same woman I've seen at Rose's office.

"Hello how can I help you?" A waitress ask, oh she's cute.

"Hey, can I get a latte and some two brownie muffins please?" I give her a smile while she notes my oder.

"Coming right up ma'am you may take a sit"

I take a sit avoiding Leo, I can feel him staring at me. Why would he stare at another woman while he is with his woman?

I check my phone to see if Angie texted me back, nope I guess she's still busy.

"Amelia" what? I raise my head to see Leo looking at me, what does he want, I check the woman he was with and we lock eyes, oh oh she's fuming.

"Leo, your woman looks like she's ready to kill me with those eyes, what are you doing here?" I ask, I'm not in the mood for couples squabbles.

"She's not my woman, and I'm just checking on you, are you okay" oh really now.

"Yeah whatever, I'm fine thanks and-"

"Here's your oder ma'am"

"Thank you" I pay the bill, I'll just eat at home.

"Amelia wait, I need to talk to you" Leo says holding my hand gently.

"About what?"

"Abou-, fuck get down!!" Leo shouts while looking behind me, what is he seeing that has him ...

Bang bang bang !

I feel something shoots through my body as I go down, all I feel is a burning pain, it travels from my left side to my whole body making it unbearable to breathe, I check my side and see blood on my cute floral dress, I'm bleeding.

"Leo i-im blee-blee-ding" that's the last thing I said before losing conscious.

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