Leo .

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Leo .

I can't help but think about the kiss I had with my sweetheart, can't get her soft tasty lips out of my mind . Fuck ! I know I shouldn't have done that but fuck it I always wanted to taste her lips so bad . She's like a drug I can't get out of my system . And to be honest I was happy to hear her friend ratting her out on how she missed me . I chuckle while imagining her embarrassed face . She looked so cute .

I tried to stay away but I had to see her, I had my people watch her from afar to protect her from her stepmothers evil actions, and to also know her whereabouts really .
I know I sound like a creep right now but I don't care really . I have to protect her and there's a high possibility that she's Rafael's child, there a lot of things that does not add up right now but I'll find her father .

Last week I finally killed the father and son pair, I actually found a lot of information from them after the torture they went through and  said everything they knew and their plans .

Time to make my move against the Russians, I've been quite for a long time now and people are starting to play on my territory . I call Demon into my office . He enters with a huge grin on his face making me confused .

" What ?" I ask him .

" A little birdie told me you went to see Miss Black and maybe did something else " he says with a raised eyebrow .

" I kissed her " I blurt making Damon's grins grow wider . I think like Amelia, I have a silly best friend .

" Oh you kissed her ? How was it ?" He ask while taking a sit .

" I think I'm her first you know, and it was great for a first kisser " I say with a smirk while reminiscing about it .

" I envy you, my little peach is playing hard to get with me " . He's talking about a new girl at my law firm which he is managing . Wait I suddenly think of something ..

" what's her name again ?" I ask .

" Angela, her name is beautiful just like her, fuck man that girl drives me crazy I wanna make her mine but damn she's a hard to get that one, she keeps on avoiding me whenever I try talking about something unrelated to work, but that makes me want to have her more .. I think I found my wife " . He says with a serious expression on his face, I'm shocked cause he is really serious .

Damon has never taken a liking to a girl before, seems like Angela will stop his play boy tendencies . At this moment I'm thinking of my sweetheart's best friend.. but I'm gonna keep this to myself .

" seems like she got you by the balls already without even knowing them " I say with a grin, my turn to tease him now .

" Damn, I don't mind her hold on me I would even sell them if she ask me to, just to make her my wife " I chuckle at that, but I'm glad this crazy motherfucker found someone to keep him on his toes

" Fuck, you're whipped already, what if she rejects you ?"

" Then you'll kidnap us together and send us to another country, then I'll act as her knight shining in amour and be her comfort, until she accepts me that's when you let us go " . I laugh this time cause wow .

" you want her to hate me but not you ? You're crazy " I chuckle shaking my head at this dumbass  .

" yes then, I'll help you get your Miss Black " .

" I'll pass, you know I don't do love "

" then why are you having people guard her from a distance ?"

" just to protect her from her stepmother " I say with indifference and pour myself some whiskey .

" Really ? Then why did you kiss her cause that's also not your style "

" I don't know, I just wanted to taste those lips " I say while drowning in thoughts at this very question, why did I kiss her ?

" mmh if you say so " .

" right I called you here for some serious business, it's time take the Russians down now "

" on it, I've already placed our spy inside "

" Good, we should get their blue prints and their codes, how may warehouse do the have ? And also their army . I also want control on every shipment they own, get scarface to hack into their database "

" on it boss, I'll gather every information and evidence by the end of the night, and what about the Italians ? "

" we'll deal with them after the Russians, I placed two of our assassin's nearby to take action whenever I give them the green light, so far the Italians are preparing for the hidden heir to take over, seems like Tommaso wasn't the only child " I say with some distaste .

" right now just get those blue prints, I'll deal with Rondez and his heirs myself " .

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