A proposal.

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Amelia .

" you have a proposal for me ?" I hope I'm not gonna make some secret recipes again that's torture.

" yes Ms Black, let me ask you a question first ... what is your way forward with being a chef ?"  Nathan asks looking all kinds of serious.

I look at Rose, I just hope she won't be offended with my response.

" Uh I wanna be my own boss and own a restaurant some day, I wanna be the great chef who has her own restaurant and move forward seeking all talented chefs in the world "  Gosh I'm holding my breath .

" Uh Rose I.." she cuts me off politely.

" it's okay dear, you're destined for greater things and I'd love to see you achieve what you desire even if it means using me and urban bites as your stepping stone I'll always support you "

Wow, that was ... I don't even know how to feel right now  .

" Thank you Rose, and I'll never let you down "

"Well I was hoping that you'd say that and I'm glad you did because we have a great offer for you, we wanna sell our restaurant and it's secret recipes to a talent like you, it actually was our mother's and she would have loved someone to continue with her passion, unfortunately my brother and I don't have that, that's why we were looking for a rare talent like you and I must say you're the only one who managed to make that soup "  Ethan says with some emotions swirling in his eyes .

I guess this restaurant is really important to them, gosh I can't believe they're offering me such a big thing ... I mean I'm still a small talent and I ... gosh .

" I'm speechless, I mean that's a very big, very great offer and I don't know what to say.. it's a great opportunity and I, goodness " I'm overwhelmed with emotions right now, I wanna scream, cry and laugh out loud, this seems so unreal .

"You can do all that Amelia, it's so real"  shit ! Did I says all that out loud ?

Nathan chuckles at my reaction .
Rose  and Leo gets up and I look at then to see what wrong, are they upset ?

" This is your moment dear and we would love to give you your space to make your decision okay, I'm so happy for you ... this is a rare opportunity Amelia don't miss it, and remember a great opportunity comes with greater responsibilities, make me proud " after that Rose gives me a warm hug and they leave the room .

I wish Rose was my mother, she's so gentle and supportive I just love her energy .
Okay back to business.

" I have some questions too if you don't mind " I say, I'm in my business mode right now .

" go ahead" that was Nathan .

" why are you willing to sell your legacy, I mean I'm sure your mom was thinking about leaving something for y'all when she opened it right ?"

" you're right, it is our legacy... I'm not gonna lie to you Lia it was not easy, we tried to come up with ways to keep the restaurant operating but we failed at that to a point of almost losing it to some greedy people, if I had the talent I would have taken over but unfortunately I don't . And I can't bear to see all my mothers hard work perishing just like that, we wanna keep her memory alive "

Well I think I get where they're coming from, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep her memory alive  ...

" I know what you thinking, keeping her memory alive I simply mean to keep her restaurant operating, it's been closed down for 5 years now " Nathan says while going through his bag, what is he looking for ?

He hands me a stack of papers and the first thing I notice written in bold letters is Liyana's secret recipes .

" your mom was Zulu?" I ask .

" She was, her name means raining ... I'm surprised you noticed her name is in Zulu " Goodness, don't tell me they can also speak Zulu cause wow .. wait do they have Zulu names too ?

" Well it's because I'm half Zulu and half white I guess, do you guys have Zulu names ?" I ask them while going through the restaurant papers, damn Liyana was making money here .

" we do but that would be our little secrets for now, I hope you don't mind" Ethan says wiggling his brows, he's so playful but I love his energy.

" You said you're half Zulu, what are your parent's names ? Nathan's suddenly asks ...

Gosh I've been avoiding this question since like forever .

" uhm, I my mother's names are Thandeka Primrose Ndlovu, well I don't know my father, just that his surname is Black "  the twins are looking at me in a weird way ... uh did I say something wrong ?

" well that's it? Why are you guys looking at me like that ?"

" sorry is just that you look familiar, you look like our m-" Nathan cuts Ethan off.

" we don't have enough time, we better discuss business and our way forward " well that was ...

" Ms Black, you should know that this is gonna be a huge responsibility Just like Madam Rose said, it's been down for five years and you have to be ready for anything if you're up to making it your own, and also it's gonna cost you but don't worry about that for now " one thing I realized about Nathan is that he is more serious than his brother, and he's intimidating when he gets like that.

" I don't wanna miss this opportunity, and I would like to thank the both of you for this, I'm up for any challenges "  and just like that, I was one step closer to reaching my goals .

" It was nice doing business with you Ms Black, here is our contact information, we will make time to finalize everything and let you in on things you have to know, and thank you for the lovely dinner, have a great night " they both give me handshakes .

His Black Rose Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora