I'm ready.

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I wake up around noon, and my body is sore from all this sleeping. I take a hot shower after fixing my bed ... argh I miss Angie I wonder if she's home or something came up at work?

I had a weird dream, it was like my biological mother was calling out to me but I couldn't reach out to her, I guess I'll have more of this dreams since well I know the truth now, but do I really wanna know everything... I don't know yet

I check my phone for notifications or missed calls from Angie. She just texted me that she'll be home soon, well I can whip something quick for her.
I also notice Leo's text.. gosh he's asking if he can come over so we can talk.

I ignore his text for now, and make my way to the kitchen to whip something for my Angie, she'll be here any minute now. I just made a cheese and bacon toast, immediately after finish the last toast ...

" honey I'm home, what's for lunch.. dinner, whatever? I'm starving" she shouts all this as soon as she enters the house ... I laugh at her silliness, but I must admit I missed her so much.

"Come this side my queen I have made something to fill up your angry stomach" I tease, I hear her giggle as she comes my way.

"Your Queen is finally here, please be at my service" she places her hand on her growling stomach as she gives me puppy eyes, she's so dramatic when she's hungry.

"I'm at your service, please sit down your majesty while I bring you your delicious toast" we both laugh at that as we dig in.


"Are you not dying to know it all?" Angie asks, we are now lying on my bed after filling our tummies.

"I am really, but I'm also scared to know the truth you know, I mean my whole life I've questioned a lot of things like why did she hate me while I'm also her daughter, and now I understand or maybe I'm trying to understand the hate it came from her but i don't really, and it doesn't make it feel better, I'm just so confused and angry"

" I know baby, but for you to move on you have to know everything and then you'll choose from there on what to do and how you'd like to move with your life, and whatever you decide to do just know that I'm here for you and I'll support every decision you take" Angie says while giving my shoulder a little squeeze for comfort.

" Thank you my love, you know the day I became your friend I finally felt the love I've longed to feel from my sis- from Rachel you know.. I wanted us to have a strong bond even thou we had our own differences, but she was just not having it and it always felt like I disgust her whenever I tried to fix our relationship, but as time went on I finally stopped forcing things between us and .... her mother."

" I'm so grateful to have you in my life Angie, you saved me from a lot of things, and I'm glad to have you as my best friend and my dear sister forever" I say while hugging the living shit out of her.

"You also saved me Lia, you saved me from my darkness and I will forever cling to the light you brought into my life, I love you sister" she sobs so painfully in my arms making me sob too.

Angie never talks much about her past just like me, she only gave me a clue on what has been going on but we never had a chance to talk about it all, I guess we're both trying to forget everything that's happened but it's actually not good, we're suffering silently every day I think we both need to see a therapist.


I try Amelia's phone for a hundred times, well not really but I've been calling her non stop and ofcourse non of my calls have been answered, I think she's ignoring me .. she even ignores my text messages, this is so frustrating for real.

"Fuck Amelia answer your damn phone!" I throw my whiskey glass across the wall, which almost hit Damon, I didn't even notice that I wasn't alone in this office, fuck if it was one of my enemies I would be dead by now.

"How long have you been standing there?" I ask Damon who didn't even give a fuck that I'm pissed right now.

"Long enough, now would you calm down please, your anger is clouding everything, even your senses Leo and that's not good, I thought we dealt with that a long time ago but clearly not, and you can't tell me Amelia is the one doing all this when you said you don't love her right?"  He looks me straight in the eye, fuck it's as if he can see through me... I'm saved my phone ringing phone.

I quickly take it and see that it's my sweetheart calling, I answer and she only says two words.

"I'm ready" .

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