The hard recipe .

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Amelia .

It's been five hours I've been trying this white soup recipe . And I must say I haven't achieved any good taste so far, I don't know how I'm supposed to make this recipe without instructions but here I am trying and hoping for a miracle .
Well the ingredients are not so complicated, no I'm lying they're, just that I don't know where to start and what to mix .
I receive a call from Rose .

" Hey Rose " I greet her with a tired tone, cause I'm really fucken tired and frustrated at this moment .

" Hey dear, is it that bad ?" She ask with a hint of concern in her voice .

" I just don't know how to do this secret family recipe without instructions really, what are they hoping for, a different taste or what ? Even now they did not share some instructions, even if it's half ?" I lower my voice a bit at the end and just let out a loud sigh .

" I'm sorry, I only received all that I've shared with you, take your time and try different ways .. just with your own pace and try things the way you see fit okay, don't think about the special guests and what they're expecting from you.. just do your thing until you feel like it is right " .

" I guess that's okay, but what if they won't like it ? I mean what if it's a different taste from what they know, I feel like this recipe means a lot or reminds them of someone you know and I don't wanna ruin that " . I mean why would they risk sharing their secret family what what ..
Argh I just feel like this is special to them and ..damn .

" Amelia "
"Yes Rose "
" You became a chef for a reason, this is just your first challenge.. do you wanna give up just like that ? Ask yourself why you wanted this so bad in the first place, I mean you could have chosen other occupations but instead you chose this one " . She's right, I want to own a big restaurant some day and create something different and this is just a first challenge I can't just give up like that .

" Thank you for reminding me Rose, thank you really, I needed that " I say with a lil laugh .
" just don't be too hard on yourself, take a break and try again when you feel like it " .
" okay, we'll talk later .. bye Rose "
"Bye dear " . With that she hung up .

I rubbed my head letting out a sigh, I look at the mess I've made in the kitchen and my failed food .. this is a lot harder than I thought.. I just feel like there's something missing in this ingredients but I don't know what .. what if this is also a test ? Let me recheck this ingredients list .

2 bone soup with beef meat/bones
2.5L water
4 chicken thighs
0.25kg bacon
3/4 cup of white rice
1 anchovy or anchovy paste
A few pepper corns
Thyme, bay and parsley leaves
Some rosemary and marjoram
2 medium onions, roughly chopped
2 ribs of celery, roughly chopped
1/4lb ground sugared almonds (melt fondant, dip almonds in, cool on baking paper )
1 cup thickened cream
1 egg yolk

And that's about it, it's a lot and some of them I just ask myself if they are really necessary ?
Angie comes in while I ask myself this question ..

" hey, you're home early I thought you'd be coming back home at four "
" hey love, I have big news for you " she says with a big smile, after today I could do with some good news .

" hurry up and tell me "
" well .." she stall a lil and I raise a brow at her .
"Well ?" I ask with a silly smile .
" why are you smiling already ? Anyway I got my first case today " after she said that we both scream dramatically while hugging each other .

" that's fucken fucken awesome Angie, you deserve this.. now go take a quick shower I'm taking you out and buying you that dress you wanted "

" aww you're gonna make me cry, you know I-I " she can't even finish that sentence cause my bestie is a cry baby, but I get her she's been waiting for this for a long time now, I give her a big tight hug .

" you know, I never thought I'd come this far, I just .." I cut her off .
" hey, hey, we are not gonna do that right now or ever, you deserve this, you've worked so hard my love and I'm proud of you, now wipe those tears and give me a big smile okay.. I'm really proud of you " .

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