shopping spree .

15 3 0

Amelia .

I'm currently sitting on a couch waiting for Angela to come out of her room so that we can go . While waiting for her I can't help but think about Leo, a part me is kinda hurt that he stopped popping up in front of me . But I guess he wasn't a creepy stalker or something like that, but right now I wish he was .. I know it's crazy cause I always wanna be far away from him when I see him .

I sighed and went to get myself some water, I almost bumped into an overly excited Angie and damn ...

" Holy fuck ! You're smoking hot !" I complement her, worshiping her amazing figure that is outlined by the tight long dark blue dress she has on . Goodness she's so gorgeous with her smoky eyes , her hair is slightly curly and loose resting perfectly on her shoulders, damn so hot .

She giggles with excitement and a slight bush on her cheeks .

" Thank you, I thought maybe it might be too much you know but I'm glad I look hot " she says while scanning her figure, then she gives me a frown and a glare .. oh boy here it comes .

" wtf are you wearing ? She ask bewildered at my choice of outfit .

I'm wearing black fitting jeans with a black strapless top and honestly I don't see anything wrong with this choice .

" What ? I like my outfit simple and just right " I say while checking myself out, I mean I really don't look bad .

" Argh I don't even wanna argue with you right now, I thought we were supposed to glam up " she says with a small pout .

" I don't remember us talking about that last part, and honestly this is your time to shine okay " I laugh at her expression .

" Come on let's go already "


Fuck right now I'm starting to regret this little outing . Angie dragged me to almost every clothing shop and made me try out some clothes and shoes like I'm in a fashion parade  .
Right now I'm fucken tired and I just wish to be in the comforts of my bed .

" Angie please I'm dying, let's find some place to rest and maybe eat something " .

" But we still have to go to Victoria ..."
" Hell no !" I interrupt her speech not wanting another torture with her naughty self .

" Come on we'll just pick a few sets of thongs and some .. you know " she says with amusement dancing in her eyes, oh my goodness I can't deal with her dirty thoughts really, where does she even get the energy ?

" don't look at me like that Lia, come on you're gonna love it " she says with a teasing tone .

I just sigh and shake my head preparing myself for the next torture .

" Alright but I'm not buying anything, and this is the last shop it's already late you know "

" yay ! You won't regret it !" She squeals with excitement .

Finally we're done . Anyway Angie forced me to pick a few sets of lingeries and thongs . But honestly I'm glad that she's happy right now, I even got her the dress she always wanted to buy, it's a beautiful open back cami green dress, and I added some red block heals to go with the dress .

I remember when we first saw this dress and she was just mesmerized by it, the only problem was money at that time .. but I made it a promise to myself to buy it for her someday and here we're .

We find a place to eat, it's already dinner time by the way and I'm starving .

" We should buy a car, look at all this shopping bags " Angie says while sipping in her wine .

" And get a bigger apartment or maybe a house later "

" And we also have to get you that handsome hunk, your eyes have been darting around .. are you looking for him " she says with a small smirk .
Gosh of course she'll notice and now I can't even hide it .

" No.. I mean yes, I haven't seen him since that time he gave me a ride home, is it even possible to miss a stranger, a deadly one at that ? "

" Seems like it is, I mean look at- "

" Ladies " . Oh my gosh that voice, is it him ?

" Ahh hello Mr hunk, right timing you know, she has been- "

" Angie stop it !" I half yell at her with a glare, this girl wants to sell me out .

" Sweetheart " he says with a chuckle

" Leo " I greet him holding my breath, with my heart beating out of my chest, I'm just so excited and nervous right now and maybe a little confused with my emotions .

" You look great " he says while looking me in the eye, so intense, I can't help but look away with a small blush  .

" Thank you, you don't look bad yourself " fuck why did I say that ?!  But he really looks yummy right now .

He chuckles again, mmh that sound .

" I see y'all have been having some fun, I can take you back home if- "

" We don't really mind Mr devilish hunk, and thank you " Angie finally speaks and make a gesture to the waitress to take our bill .

" No Angie I think Mr Leo has some important things to do right now and we don't wanna intrude really " I say with a small smile while looking at Leo hoping he'll agree .

" oh no, I'm free right now and I really don't mind taking you home sweetheart " my breath hitches when he suddenly tug a strand of my hair behind my ear, his hand almost brushing against my skin that it gave me goosebumps .

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