Chapter 28 - The Training Part 2

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"A-Ah... Goku... I can't... go on," Yang gasped.

"Take that thing off... I wanna see you without it," Goku insisted.

"A-Ah! Goku! Wait!"





Goku yanked it out, raising it triumphantly in the air.

"Oh, come on, Goku! If we're training, shouldn't I use the arm?" Yang protested, seated on the ground, stretching towards her cybernetic limb. But Goku just chuckled, hoisting the arm out of her reach.

"Our first lesson is for you to get your arm back," Goku teased, pretending to offer the cybernetic limb back to Yang.

Yang stared up at Goku, a mix of determination and frustration on her face. "But how am I supposed to fight without it?"

Goku grinned, a mischievous spark in his eyes. "That's the point! You're relying too much on that thing! I will teach you how to fight without depending on gadgets and gizmos today. Now here, grab it."

Reaching her hand out, Yang went to grab her prosthetic arm, however, Goku swiftly pulled it back, just out of her reach, a playful smirk on his face. 

"Nuh-uh, you're gonna have to try harder than that!"

Yang sighed, using her left arm to push herself back on her feet. Was he joking? 

Reaching her arm out again, she tried to grab her prosthetic arm, but Goku deftly dodged, his playful smirk growing wider.

"Come on Yang, I'm just asking you to take your arm back!" 

Yang huffed, a mix of irritation and determination fueling her movements. She adjusted her stance to compensate for her lack of a right arm, eyes narrowing at Goku's playful antics.

"Alright then, Goku. You want me to take it back? I'll take it back," she declared, her voice laced with resolve.

With a sudden burst of speed, Yang charged toward Goku,  aiming to catch him off guard. But Goku, being the skilled warrior he was, anticipated her move. He swiftly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding her grasp once more.

Yang gritted her teeth, refusing to let frustration cloud her focus again. What kind of training was this? "Training with Goku... more like 'Goku's Great Game of Keep-Away!'" 

Goku continued to tease and dodge, his movements fluid and playful. Yang, fueled by determination and a touch of exasperation, kept pushing herself, trying to outmaneuver the Saiyan.

This cycle went on for hours, until suddenly, Yang's fingers grazed the metal surface of her prosthetic arm.  However, Goku once again pulled back, his grin widening.

"Not yet, Yang! You have to really earn it!"

Yang let out an exasperated groan, sweat beading on her forehead. It had been what? 6 hours now? 

"Goku, this isn't funny anymore!" Yang exclaimed between breaths, her left hand still reaching out for her prosthetic arm that seemed to always be just out of reach.

"It's not supposed to be funny." 

Goku retorted, his expression shifting to a more serious tone. "Think about it for a sec. You've been trying to get your arm back this entire time, getting closer and closer each time. What does that tell you?"

Yang paused, her frustration momentarily overshadowed by Goku's words. She took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind. What did it tell her?

"I... I've been getting closer," she replied slowly, realization dawning on her. "I've been adapting, learning to compensate for the missing arm."

DBS x RWBYOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora