Chapter 23 - The End of the Beginning

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"What... What are you?" Cinder stuttered in fear as Goku smirked, knowing he was a huge threat to her plans. 

 "You defeated Vegeta, but you can never defeat what I am," Goku said, charging up his energy and creating a golden aura. "I am the Super Saiyan, Son Goku, a legendary warrior pure of heart, awakened by rage."

 Cinder fired a beam towards Goku, but he stood still, letting the blast hit his face without any damage. Cinder stared at him in disbelief as Goku appeared in front of her with lightning speed.

 "This is your last chance," Goku said, glaring at Cinder. "Give up." 

 "Never!" Cinder retorted, but before she could do anything, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and shot up into the air. 

 Goku quickly dashed up and smashed her back into the ground, leaving a crater. Cinder charged up her energy, trying to match Goku's, but he reminded her that she was lucky she didn't kill Ruby. 

 They traded blows, creating shockwaves heard for miles, and destroyed everything in their path. Cinder managed to hit Goku in the face, but he quickly recovered and hit her with twice the force, sending her crashing into a building. She jumped towards him again, but Goku dodged and countered, sending her crashing into yet another building. 

 Blood poured down her face as she looked up at Goku, screaming in anger and swinging her leg upwards to kick him, but he vanished and reappeared behind her, elbowing her in the neck and sending her crashing again. She quickly rebounded and hit Goku, but he countered by kicking her in the back, sending her crashing into another building. Cinder was scared and angry, yelling at Goku and swinging her fists and legs, but he was too powerful for her.


Ruby stumbled into the safe zone in Vale, created by the huntsmen, and was relieved to see two familiar faces: Qrow and Glynda. "Un-Uncle Qrow!" she shouted, running towards him.

Qrow spun around to see his niece in bad shape, with tattered clothes and bruises all over her body. "Ruby!?" he exclaimed. "What happened to you?"

Ruby embraced her uncle and gasped out, "I-It's Goku! He's fighting someone right now at the school!"

Qrow ended the embrace and turned to Glynda. "So that's where the kid went," he muttered. "He's fighting the maiden..."

Ruby interjected, "Yeah! And I tried saving him, but then he turned blonde and looked sooo cool!"

"What do you mean?" Glynda questioned.

"I dunno," Ruby replied. "I just woke up, and his hair spiked up even more, and it was suddenly blonde."

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and a loud explosion echoed from the academy. The three of them sprinted towards the bay to witness a brilliant golden light and a bright crimson orange light in the distance.

"That's them!" Ruby exclaimed. "That's Goku!"


As their fight raged on, Goku and Cinder continued to trade powerful blows, destroying more and more of Beacon as they battled. Eventually, the two of them landed on the ground, both panting heavily from the intense fight.

Cinder realized that things weren't going the way she had planned. How was Goku so strong? She was the Fall Maiden, and yet he was giving her a run for her money. She knew she had to absorb his energy just like she had done with Vegeta and Amber to get ahead of him.

Without warning, Cinder let out a blood-curdling scream, and suddenly reappeared behind Goku, wrapping her arms tightly around his. A black liquid substance began to ooze from Cinder's arms, enveloping Goku and draining his energy. He knew he had to break free before it was too late.

(DISCONTINUED) DBS x RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora