Chapter 6 - The Stray

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The Saiyans' second favorite thing, after fighting, was eating, and Goku couldn't wait to try the food at the Vytal Festival. Vegeta, on the other hand, was in a bad mood and didn't see the point of wasting time in the small town.

As they strolled down the street, Goku scanned the menus of various restaurants until they found one that piqued their interest. Once they were seated, Goku eagerly looked through the menu, but Vegeta quickly grew frustrated and slapped it out of his hand.

"Enough of this nonsense, Kakarot! We've been stuck on this useless planet for months, learning nothing of value!" Vegeta grumbled.

Goku tried to defend their current situation, but Vegeta was having none of it. Determined to find a way off the planet, he urged Goku to try harder to sense any familiar energy signatures.

Goku closed his eyes and concentrated, hoping to sense the energy of someone who could help them. However, he only detected the energies of his new friends, Team RWBY, who happened to be nearby.

"Hey, Vegeta, let's go say hi to our new friends!" Goku suggested.

"Why must you always disappoint me at the worst possible times?" Vegeta grumbled.

Despite Vegeta's protests, Goku was determined to meet up with Team RWBY and excitedly led the way in their direction.

"Why are we even here?" Yang groaned, looking around the docks with a disgusted expression. Ruby wrinkled her nose at the smell of fish.

"Hey guys!" Goku and Vegeta appeared behind them, surprising the team.

"When did you get here?" Yang asked.

"We were about to have lunch when I sensed your energy nearby, so we decided to pay you a visit," Goku explained.

"What do you mean 'sensed our energy'?" Yang asked.

"It's a technique I learned years ago that allows me to detect someone's life energy, or ki, and track it," Goku replied.

"That's amazing! Can you teach me?" Ruby asked eagerly.

"Sure thing!"

Meanwhile, Weiss was saying, "I've heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today, and as a representative of Beacon, I think it's important that we welcome them to our kingdom."

Vegeta snorted. "So you want to spy on them to gain an advantage?"

Weiss glared at him. "You can't prove that, Vegeta."

As the group walked through Vale, Ruby spotted a recently robbed Dust shop and approached the crime scene.

"Excuse me, what happened here?" Ruby asked one of the investigators.

"We had a robbery. They took all the dust and left the money. Who needs that much dust?" the investigator replied.

"It was probably the White Fang," the investigator's partner added.

Goku looked puzzled and asked, "What's the White Fang?"

Weiss answered, "A group of Faunus degenerates who use violent means to achieve their goals."

Blake defended the White Fang, calling them "misguided," which prompted Weiss to criticize them as "criminally insane."

Yang explained to Goku that Faunus are humans with animal features, such as tails or ears.

"I used to have a tail too, but it got cut off when I was younger," Goku shared.

Blake and Ruby were appalled by this, and Weiss asked, "Wait, you're a Faunus, Goku?"

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