Chapter 4 - The Jaunedice

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Goku and Vegeta sat next to team RWBY as they watched Jaune Arc spar with Cardin, a fellow student. It was clear that Cardin was winning since Jaune couldn't land a decisive blow with his sword. Eventually, the match ended with Cardin's victory. Professor Goodwitch noted that Jaune needed to constantly keep track of his aura to know when to attack and when to defend.

Vegeta commented, "That blond one is a total amateur. How did a weakling like him even get into Beacon?"

Ruby said to Vegeta, "That's not a very kind thing to say."

Vegeta responded, "I'm not being mean. I'm merely stating a fact."

Blake added, "You still shouldn't say things like that."

Vegeta replied with a dismissive "Whatever."

Meanwhile, Goku was actually paying attention to what Professor Glynda had to say for once.

"Remember, everyone, the Vytal Festival is only a few months away," she announced. "It won't be long before students from the other kingdoms start arriving in Vale, so keep practicing. Those who compete in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale."

Excitedly, Goku turned to Vegeta and said, "Vegeta, did you hear that? They're having a tournament here! We have to enter!"

Yang asked the two Saiyans, "Are you guys entering the tournament?"

"Of course, we will," Vegeta said to Yang.

Goku continued, "Fighting strong opponents from all over the world...oh, this is going to be so much fun!"

Team RWBY and JNPR were astounded as they watched the Saiyans pile plate after plate of food during lunchtime.

"Where does all that food even go?" Blake asked in disgust.

"Is your stomach a black hole or something?" Yang joked.

Goku gulped down his bowl of noodles in one big slurp and explained, "Well, since Vegeta and I love to fight a lot, we burn through our tank quickly and need a lot of fuel to fill up!"

"How do you eat over 30 plates in one sitting!?" Weiss exclaimed.

"Hehe, that's just how we are," Goku said as he grabbed another bowl of noodles.

Pyrrha turned to Jaune and asked, "Jaune, are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah, why?" Jaune responded.

"It's just that you seem a little... not okay," Ruby pointed out.

"Eh, guys, I'm fine... Seriously, look!" Jaune said nervously, putting his thumb up.

Pyrrha continued, "Jaune, Cardin's been picking on you since the first week of school."

"Who? Cardin Winchester? Nah... He just likes to mess around, you know? They're practical jokes," Jaune reassured them.

"He's a bully," Ruby corrected Jaune.

"Oh, please... Name one time he's 'bullied' me," Jaune challenged them.

The girls started to recount the many times Cardin had bullied Jaune, including one where he was stuffed in a rocket-propelled locker and shot into the air.

"I didn't land far from the school..." Jaune said to the group.

"Jaune, you know if you ever need help, you can just ask," Pyrrha said to Jaune.

Nora chimed in, "Ooh! We'll break his legs!"

But Jaune stood up with his lunch tray and insisted, "Guys, really, it's fine. It's not like he's only a jerk to me. He's a jerk to everyone!" before walking away.

As the gang ate their lunch, they heard Cardin mocking a Faunus girl named Velvet.

"I told you they were real!" Cardin said, holding Velvet's bunny ear.

"He's such a jerk," Goku said to Yang.

"It must be tough being a Faunus," Yang replied.

"Let go! You're hurting me!" Velvet pleaded as she felt her ear being pulled.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Cardin taunted with a sinister grin.

"That's enough!" Goku's voice boomed, causing Cardin to turn around to see him standing there with a frown.

"Can't you see you're hurting her?" Goku exclaimed.

"What are you gonna do about it?" Cardin retorted arrogantly.

Goku grabbed Cardin's wrist with great strength, forcing him to let go of Velvet. Cardin winced in pain and said, "Ow! Let go!"

"What are you gonna do about it?" Goku mocked Cardin.

Cardin then tried to punch Goku in the face, but Goku slightly tilted his head to the left, causing Cardin to completely miss and stumble to the floor. Cardin got back up and threw a flurry of punches, but they all missed as Goku easily dodged them. Cardin then put all his strength into one fist and threw it at Goku, but Goku caught the punch and pushed Cardin, making him sit back on the lunch table.

"Why you little..." Cardin began to say, but before he could get up, Professor Glynda entered the cafeteria, yelling, "Enough! You are supposed to be the world's protectors, not children play-fighting!"

Professor Glynda scolded both Goku and Cardin, with Goku receiving a lighter punishment and Cardin getting detention.

After enduring three long hours of classes, the students were finally dismissed, and the Saiyans returned to their dorm room. Goku opened the window to let in some fresh air, which he loved. As he poked his head out the window, he overheard Jaune and Pyrrha's voices and asked Vegeta to join him.

"What's going on?" Vegeta asked.

"Listen, Jaune's talking about his bully problem," Goku replied.

"Why should we care?" Vegeta asked.

"Maybe we can help him," Goku said.

"You know that eavesdropping is rude, right?" Vegeta replied.

"I know, but-," Goku was cut off by Jaune's words.

"I don't belong here," Jaune said to Pyrrha.

"That's a terrible thing to say. Of course, you do!" Pyrrha replied.

"No, I don't! I wasn't really accepted into Beacon," Jaune admitted.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked.

"I mean, I lied! My transcripts were forged," Jaune said.

"I don't care how you got into Beacon. Let me help you," Pyrrha offered.

Jaune grew agitated and shouted, "I don't want to be the damsel in distress! I want to be the hero! If I can't do this on my own, then what good am I?"

Pyrrha frowned and said, "If you insist, Jaune, I won't get in your way."

Goku turned to Vegeta and said, "I can't believe he lied about getting into Beacon."

"It doesn't surprise me that someone like him would lie his way into Beacon," Vegeta replied.

"What should we do?" Goku asked.

"Nothing. It's his problem," Vegeta said.

"But we should help him!" Goku pleaded.

"It's his problem to deal with. Now go to bed. We have some stupid field trip tomorrow," Vegeta said.

"Right," Goku said, as he closed the window, and both Saiyans went to bed.


This chapter was much shorter than the last 3 so that i could depict Jaune turning from Zero to Hero in two chapters instead of one since it felt weird. If you have any suggestions feel free to post them in the comments! Also woohoo! I never thought people would actually read this fanfic but it already has 100 reads! While that's not a lot, it's a lot to me. Thanks a ton guys. I'll see you in the next chapter!

EDIT: Bla bla bla i edited the chapter

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