Chapter 7 - The Black and White

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Goku and the two faunuses sat in a Vale restaurant. Goku's Saiyan appetite surprised the blond faunus as he piled up plate after plate.

"Does your friend always eat that much?" the blond asked.

Blake nodded. "Yeah, I don't know how he doesn't gain weight."

"What's your name, anyway?" the blond asked Goku.

"My name is Son Goku!" he replied.

"Son Goku? What a coincidence, my name is Sun Wukong!" the blond, Sun, said. "I wonder if we're cousins."

Blake changed the subject. "Sun, have you heard of the White Fang?"

"What faunus hasn't?" Sun replied. "They're a bunch of freaks, if you ask me."

Blake sipped her tea. "I used to be a member."

Sun choked on his tea. "You were a member of the White Fang!?"

Blake nodded. "Yes, I was born into it. Back then, we were a peaceful organization. But after the previous leader stepped down, we were anything but that."

"I decided to leave and dedicate myself to becoming a huntress," she continued. "So here I am, a criminal hiding in plain view."

Sun asked, "Have you told any of your friends?"

"Nobody besides Goku," Blake replied.


Ruby, Yang, and Weiss arrived at team GV's door and were greeted by an irritable Vegeta. When they asked for Goku's whereabouts, Vegeta refused to disclose his location.

"Is Goku here?" Yang asked.

"No," Vegeta replied.

"Well, where is he?" Weiss inquired.

"Why should I tell you?" Vegeta retorted.

"Come on, Vegeta, I thought we were friends," Ruby pleaded.

"First of all, you're Kakarot's friends. Second, go away!" Vegeta said, about to slam the door.

Ruby quickly intervened. "Wait!"

Vegeta paused. "What?"

"Just this once, can you please tell us where Goku is?" Ruby tried to guilt Vegeta.

Unfazed, Vegeta slammed the door on the three girls.

"How rude!" Weiss exclaimed.

"That usually works," Ruby said with disappointment.

"Well, I guess we have to search for Blake on our own. Let's start with Vale," Yang suggested to the others.


"Blaaake?" Ruby cried out.

"Blake come out!" Yang said.

Ruby turned to the silent Weiss complaining "Weiss, you're not helping!"

"You know who could help? The police!" Weiss said.

Ruby irritated crossed her arms. "Ugh. Weiss..."

"It was just an idea!" Weiss exclaimed.

"Yeah, a bad one." Ruby commented.

The four of them continued to walk down the street.

"I think we should hear Blake's side of the story before we jump to conclusions." Yang said to Weiss.

"I think when we hear it, you'll both realize I was right all along." Weiss said.

"And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!"

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