Chapter 27 - The Training

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No Vegeta in this chapter sadly since I'm planning to focus on Goku and Yang for the next few chapters. And since I said I'm time skipping volume 4, just imagine Vegeta wiping the floor with the minor antagonists up until volume 5. Also, Goku's a little OOC in this chapter, but think of it as Ozpin's wisdom mixing with Goku.

"Yang... What happened to your arm!?"


Goku carelessly asked such a thing, and Yang didn't answer,  instead looking down with a gloomy face. 

It wasn't just injured. It was completely severed off, so of course bringing something like that up would be sensitive.

Goku's innocent question hung in the air like an unwanted weight, and his cheerful demeanor faltered as he registered Yang's somber expression. 

"I... I'm sorry, Yang. I didn't mean to upset you..." 

Goku said, his voice softer now, tinged with genuine concern. Yang shook her head slowly, her golden hair swaying with the movement.

"It's alright, Goku. You couldn't have known."

Goku glanced at her missing arm again, an uncomfortable silence settling between them. He could sense the pain radiating from Yang, not just physical but emotional too. 

He had seen his fair share of battles and scars, but this was different. It was a constant reminder of a traumatic experience, a wound that ran deeper than the physical.

"Hey... maybe, if you want, you can train with me, and we can stop things like this from happening again? After all, you still have one working arm... hehe..."

Despite his terrible wording, he tried his best to cheer Yang up. However, the moment he said that, the aura around her changed.

"Train with you?" Yang's voice held a touch of bitterness, a hint of frustration. She turned her gaze away, her one good hand clenching into a fist.

 "Do you really think training with you is going to bring my arm back? Do you think it's going to erase what I've been through?"

Goku's usually bright expression dimmed as he felt the weight of Yang's words pierce through the air. He had hoped his suggestion would at least bring a small smile to her face, but he had clearly touched a nerve.

"Yang, I didn't mean it like that," Goku replied, his voice tinged with regret. 

"I just... I just thought maybe we could help each other get stronger."

Yang's eyes flickered with a mixture of sadness and anger. 

"Stronger? Goku, I appreciate the sentiment, but I've been through enough 'training' to last a lifetime. I'm done with fighting."

Goku's shoulders slumped as he took in Yang's words.

"I'm really sorry, Yang... I didn't mean to make you feel like that."

Yang's shoulders slumped as she looked at Goku, her expression a mix of resignation and sadness. She took a deep breath, her voice now softer, almost defeated.

"I know you didn't mean any harm, Goku. It's just... this arm... or what's left of it, my past, it's a part of me that I've been trying to come to terms with. It's not just about being physically strong."

"...I see."

As Goku sat in silence, Yang stood up with a sigh and went inside the house.

He sat there, a mixture of guilt and concern swirling within him like a storm. He had blurted out his question without considering the weight of his words, and now he was left to deal with the consequences.

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