Chapter 2 - The Gang

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As the group of four strolled through the forest, Vegeta turned towards Goku and asked, "Kakarot, why are we following these worms?"

Offended by the remark, Weiss retorted, "Worms? Let me remind you that I'm the heiress of the Schness Dust Company!"

Vegeta, unfazed, crossed his arms and responded with a dismissive, "I don't care."

Ruby, sensing the tension, attempted to divert the conversation by asking Goku where he was from. "So Goku, where did you grow up?" she inquired.

"I lived in the forest when I was a kid," Goku replied.

Curious, Ruby pressed further, "And where do you live now?"

"I still live in the forest," Goku responded with a smile.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Ruby exclaimed, before noticing a temple in the distance with two figures standing near it.

Approaching the temple, the group saw two figures more clearly: one with long black hair and black clothing, the other with long blonde hair and yellow and brown clothing. Ruby recognized the blonde girl and exclaimed, "Yang!" as she ran towards her sister.

Yang turned around and saw Ruby approaching. "Ruby?" she said in surprise as her sister hugged her. Yang then noticed Goku, Vegeta, and Weiss standing behind Ruby and asked, "So you partnered up with that Weiss girl? Who are those two?"

Ruby introduced the Saiyans to Yang, explaining that they had encountered them in the forest while fighting a group of BeoWolves. Yang seemed suspicious of the Saiyans, but before she could question them further, an Ursa appeared with two people riding on it. The Ursa suddenly collapsed, and the riders dismounted.

"It's broken," the girl with orange hair and pink clothing said as she got off the dead Grimm. She then ran over to the temple, picked up a chess piece on a stand, and exclaimed, "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"

"Nora!" the partner of the girl in pink called out.

"Coming, Ren!" Nora replied, dashing over to Ren.

The girl in black commented, "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa...?" Ruby recognized her acquaintance from earlier and greeted her, saying, "Oh hey, Blake! Good to see you!"

Just then, two more people came running out of the forest with a giant scorpion chasing them. "Did those two just run all the way here with a Death Stalker on their tail...?" Blake said.

The two people ran in circles, trying to avoid the Death Stalker's attacks, until they were hit by its tail and flung towards the group. Yang exclaimed, "Great, the gang's all here! Now we can die together!"

Ruby, however, wasn't ready to give up. "Not if I can help it!" she said, charging towards the Death Stalker. Yang tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Ruby leaped into the air, firing a round from her Crescent Rose that propelled her even higher. As she ascended, she fired a barrage of bullets at the Death Stalker, each shot exploding on impact. Ruby then descended towards the Grimm, her weapon transforming into a scythe as she prepared to strike.

But the Death Stalker was ready. Its massive claws swiped at Ruby, sending her hurtling back towards the group. However, before she could hit the ground, Goku sprang into action, launching himself into the air and catching Ruby with ease. He landed softly on the ground, setting Ruby down gently.

"Let us handle this," Goku declared, flexing his muscles as he cracked his knuckles.

Blake looked worriedly at the Saiyans. "Wait, it's too dangerous!" she protested, but the two warriors paid her no heed.

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