Chapter 8 - The Best Day Ever

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After the events at the docks, Goku and Vegeta sat down with Team RWBY to enjoy a massive feast as they always did. Yang noticed Blake reading a book.

"What are you doing?" Yang asked.

"Just reviewing last semester's work," Blake replied.

Suddenly, a grape flew towards Yang, and she caught it with her mouth.

"Lame!" Yang said.

Ruby approached the group and slammed a large binder onto the table.

"Sisters!" Ruby pointed to Yang.

"Friends!" Ruby pointed to Blake and Goku.

"Weiss and, uh, Vegeta..." Ruby said.

"Hey!" Weiss protested.

"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream," Ruby said.

"This should be good," Yang said to Blake.

"A dream that one day, the four of us would come together as a team and have the most fun that anyone has ever had, ever!" Ruby exclaimed.

"You too, Goku. You can join," she told Goku.

"Me?" he asked.

"Yes! You and Vegeta can have fun with us if you ever want to!" Ruby said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" Blake asked.

"I'm talking about kicking off the semester with a bang!" Ruby replied.

"I like to start my semesters with a Yang!" Yang said with a chuckle, but no one else laughed.

An apple then flew towards Yang, hitting her on the head.

"I don't know, I think I might just sit this one out," Blake said.

Yang threw another apple back at the person who threw it, which turned out to be Nora from Team JNPR.

Weiss turned to Blake. "Whether you sit out or not, I think we should spend this last day together as a team."

"I, for one, think—" Weiss was cut off by a pie being thrown in her face.

"Do you want this, Vegeta?" Goku asked, taking Vegeta's sushi from his side of the table.

Vegeta became infuriated. "You idiot! I was saving that for last!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry about that!" Goku chuckled.

Vegeta ate one of Goku's dishes in retaliation.

"Vegeta! That was my Chashu Pork!" Goku exclaimed.

"Well, you had it coming!" Vegeta yelled.

"I was saving it for last!" Goku yelled back.

"Don't incur my wrath now!" Vegeta slammed the table, cracking it.

"I thought we were friends!" Goku butted heads with Vegeta.

"You thought wrong!" Vegeta pushed back.

Chaos erupted in the cafeteria.

"So, we were fighting side by side, and she was super fast, and I threw a banana at a guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome!" Sun said to a blue-haired person.

"Nice!" he replied.

"I also met a guy who may or may not be my secret cousin, but that's not the best part," Sun said.

"They're both Faunus! But don't tell anyone that the girl is one," Sun exclaimed.

"Got it," the blue-haired person said.

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