The Alien Agenda

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There will be a trigger warning ⚠️
Foot ninjas run across the rooftops, heading over to Karai.
"The Turtles and their ally have been spotted in this neighborhood, so stay alert for any sign of them."
Suddenly, some Kraang lasers were heard, along with Mikey yelling, "Booyakasha!", which makes Karai gasp. She stops the Foot clan from attacking and peers down to see the Turtles and Ryliee fighting off the Kraang.
"When fight is concluded, the ones called the Turtles are defeated by Kraang."

"When will the baddies understand they'll lose every time." Ryliee throws one away into Leo, who slices it apart with his katanas.
"They're fighting robots?" Karai looks confused before watching a droid shut down, a Kraang brain running away, "Whoa! This town's more interesting than I thought."
Leo backs away before looking up to the rooftop and spotting Karai. He groans and looks away before catching Ryliee's gaze and decided to show-off for her.
Leo takes down the Kraangdroids around him with ease. He leaps up into the air and spins himself as he slashes a Kraangdroid to pieces with his weapons. He then flips away, Ryliee watching him, "Raph, behind you!" He throws one of his katanas, lodging it into a Kraangdroid's head as Raph turned and kicked it down.
"Nice." Raph smirks as Ryliee smiles at Leo
He takes down another Kraangdroid before to lift another one up, "All yours, Mikey!"
"Thanks!" Mikey uses his kusarigama chain. Ryliee sends a smug glance toward the rooftops(yes, she saw Karai and knew what Leo was doing so she joined in) before continuing on.
Raph raises an eyebrow at this and looks over at Leo, who was getting distracted by Ryliee taking all the Kraangdroids down herself.
"Donnie, duck for a moment!" Ryliee leaps towards him, Donnie ducking as her feet hit the wall behind him. The blonde uses her powers and knocks two Kraangdroids down,
slashing them.
Ryliee does an elegant move as she spins and slashes a Kraangdroid that was about to attack Leo with her katana, "Something distracting you, Captain?"
"I...Your...Wow..." he said with a dorky smile.
Ryliee backflips, holding one of her hands up to her to only show her eyes. Her gaze goes up toward the rooftops, her hands lowering slightly as a conceited grin could be seen on her face.

Raph glances up to the rooftops, spotting Karai as she was leaving. He then looks back at Ryliee, who looked even more conceited now that the Foot kunoichi had left. It was almost like she achieved something, but what?
"Uh, what the heck was that?" Donnie asks the blonde.
"Hm? What are you talking about?" Ryliee's vain expression goes away for a confused one.
"You took almost all those Kraangdroids down by yourself." Donnie told her.
"Yeah, you trying to impress us?" Mikey asks with an accusing look. He then hugs the blonde pinching her cheek, "'Cause it totally worked!"
"Oh!" Ryliee giggles a little, a bashful blush rising, "Were you guys really that impressed?"
"Yeah, dudette! Did you guys see when she did that flip in the air and threw a power ball at the same time? It was epic!" Mikey exclaims.
Raph narrows his eyes a little in confusion. One minute, Ryliee was conceited and now, she was bashful. She must have seen Karai. No doubt Leo did too.
Donnie notices Raph's expression, "What is it, Raph?"
"I thought I saw something. Leo, Ryles, what about you? Did you see something?"
Raph walks up to them.
Leo narrows his eyes a little, "No."
Ryliee crosses her arms, gazing in Leo's direction as she answers, "I didn't see anything pleasing or intriguing if that's what you mean."
Leo sends her a look that was a mixture of "I never said that" and "Not now".
"Turtles and Ryles first, right?" Raph uncrosses his arms with a slight glare.
"Turtles and Ryles first." Leo crosses his arms.
Ryliee gives an amused chuckle, one that was both sincere and at the same time menacing, "I'll see you guys later I have a meeting to go to then I have school with April tomorrow. See you guys tomorrow?" Ryliee says as she opens up a portal. "Were you trying to impress us?" Mikey asked while pinching her cheek, "'Cause it totally worked!"

Mikey moves to Donnie as the two are confused by the trio's conversation.
"You feel like we're missing something?" Donnie asks.
"All the time."
Stockman fixes up some robotic legs for ever's fish form, the mutant gasping and panting as he stands up.
Dogpound laughs, "Aw, the mermaid's growing legs!"
"Please! Settle down. Xever, get ready to walk." Stockman powers up the legs as Xever slowly starts moving. Suddenly the legs twitch and they start making him run.
"No, no, no. No, no, no!" Xever crashes as Dogpound laughs, the fish mutant getting hit in the head with his robotic legs, "Fix this, or I will bite your head off."
Stockman powers down the legs.
"Baxter Stockman."
Stockman turns around in fear, "Mr. Shredder!" he then spots the shadowy and cloaked figure standing next to him, "And company! Uh, how long have you been standing there?"
"Long enough to witness your failure. My patience is wearing thin." "Yes, sir. It's just the control mechanism is proving trickier-"
"Enough! If he is not walking soon, you won't be either."
"Father, if I may, if there is a mechanism that Stockman needs to better control the robotic legs, I could track down this part that way Xever can go back to fighting again-"
"Father." Karai leaps down and removes her mask, rudely interrupting as Kaito scoffs,
"We spotted the Turtles and Ryliee O'Neil fighting some guys in suits, but they were actually slimy brain squids in robot bodies!"
"Your mission is to destroy the Turtles, find Splinter, and bring Ryliee O'Neil to me.
Everything else is a distraction!" Shredder told her as Kaito smirks smugly at his sister getting told off.
"Distraction? Father, don't you want to know what's going on? Robots and creatures?
Splinter's disciples are turtles, mutants! Your own men got turned into hideous freaks!
Don't you think we should be finding out what's going on? I mean, there's more to life than your vendetta." Karai denies.
"There is nothing more, sister." Kaito speaks for his father, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Have you forgotten what Hamato Yoshi did to father? To the three of us? The pain that we've suffered and endured. Our mother is gone because of him and Estella was supposed to be crowned queen, but lost it to this Ryliee O'Neil."
"Every day that Splinter and Ryliee lives is a stain on our honor that we must wipe clean. Stay focused on your mission, Karai." Shredder told her, "Start by finding a way to bring Ryliee O'Neil."
"Yes, father." Karai puts her mask back on and leaves. Leo and Raph spar in the lair, clashing.
"You knew the Foot Clan was watching us." Raph gets to the point.
"Not the Foot. Karai." He said with disgust.
"Karai is the Foot." Raph clashes weapons with him again, "You knew she was watching and so did Ryliee. You were showing off on purpose. Almost like you were was trying to prove something."
Leo flips him over, "I'm sure we were demonstrating how formidable we are." he smiles, "Like me, she knew Karai wasn't going to attack us."
"Of course not. She's studying our moves for next time. You don't flirt while the enemy is watching, Leo. You take 'em down. It's what Ryliee would do."
"No. You're wrong." Leo clashes weapons with him.
"Oh, yeah? Well, if that's what you're doing, why don't you go tell the others?"
"Because they wouldn't understand."
Raph throws him to the wall and pins him with his arm, "You really think Mikey and Donnie wouldn't understand?" he rethinks for a moment, "You really think Donnie wouldn't understand?"
"Look, I know what I'm doing." Leo knocks Raph away, the red-masked turtle dodging a punch and tackling his brother to the ground. He gets knocked off before Leo tackles him from behind, "You have to trust me!"
"Why should I?!"

TMNT Leonardo x Ryliee O'NeilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang