Enemy of my Enemy

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Sorry it's been awhile but I'm gonna try and keep up with Ryliee's story. And thank you all so much for reading. I love you all so much.

The Turtles and Ryliee spy on the TCRI building ahead of them.
"Nothing happening at TCRI." Leo lowers his telescope.
"Yet." Donnie looks at his T-Phone.
Ryliee rubs her arms, "They're bound to do something eventually."
"This game is awesome. The combat is so realistic." Mikey plays a game on his T-Phone.
Raph walks up to him, his arms crossed, "You want me to make it more realistic?"
"Guys, stop messing around." Leo told them.
"According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight." Donnie explains.
"So we all have to stay alert." Leo glances over in Mikey's direction.
"Mikey, please put the phone away and pay attention." Ryliee says.
"Sure thing, Mom!" Mikey immediately puts his phone away, the others looking in shock.
"Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you." a familiar voice rang out as a familiar face landed on the rooftop from the water tower in front of them.
Leo grabs Ryliee's hand and holds it to reassure her, "Karai, we're not in the mood." the Foot kunoichi takes out her tanto and charges towards Leo, who takes out
his katanas and blocks two of her attacks while keeping Ryliee behind him to shield her,
"We don't have time for this. Guys!"
"Booyakasha!" Mikey calls out as he, Raph, and Donnie charge towards her, the Foot kunoichi dodging their attacks.
''Booyakasha"? What does that even mean?" Karai asks in amusement.
"I don't know. But it's fun to yell." Mikey throws his kusarigama chain, but Karai wraps it around and steps on it, launching him towards her and kicking him away, "Woah!
Ryliee uses her powers to catch Karai's weapon and uses her sword to make a scratch on her face. She then kicks her away.
Karai gets up, touching her mouth as that was where the sword hit. She pulls her hand away and sees blood, making her smirk, "You really know how to make a girl feel welcome, Ryliee. You don't hold back."
Ryliee narrows her eyes, "I have some self-control."
Karai points her tanto towards Donnie, "I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang.
What's going on?"
"None of your business." Leo charges at her.
"And I'm not scrawny. I'm svelte." Donnie corrects her as she dodges them. Karai pushes Raph back when he tries to attack her, "Oh, come on. Let me in on the fun."
"Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost!" Raph told her.
Karai suddenly had a serious look on her face, "An alien invasion? Are you serious?"
Suddenly, thunder was heard crashing as a purple light glowed from the top of the TCRI building.
"This is it!" Ryliee steps toward the edge, grabbing a telescope and looking through it as a hatch in the building opened, "It's...a ship?" she lowers it in confusion as some kind of Kraang ship flew out towards them.
"This can't be good." Leo states.
"Um, guys I think I need to change my shell." Mikey says.
The Kraang ship starts scanning the area, "The ones who are called Turtles have been detected by the scanner which scans for Turtles. They are knowing too much of Kraang's plan. Attack."
"I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing." Karai backs away.
Leo scoffs, "I have a plan. Step one..." he trails off as the Kraang ship shoots a laser beam at the rooftop, the group running away, "RUN!"
They run across rooftops as the ship starts scanning for them again. The group lands in the alley, running away from the Kraang ship.
"What the heck was that?" Karai asks, looking over at Ryliee.
"I don't know, but off the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and shooting at things." Leo states as he moves closer to Ryliee and away from the Foot kunoichi.
"Like at our shells!" Mikey shouts as the group separates, Karai running away and hiding in a small alley to get away.
The Turtles hide behind a car, the Kraang ship flying by them.
"You think it knows where we are?" Mikey asks.
"Yeah, maybe." Leo states before the car suddenly gets dragged up in the air.
"More like yeah, definitely." Ryliee states, the five screaming as they dodge the now falling car.
"Man, we gotta get underground." Donnie told them.
"T'll draw their fire." Leo takes out his katanas and dodges the laser beams, "Over here, cyclops!" while he distracts the Kraang ship, Raph opens a sewer lid, he, Donnie, and Mikey leaping in.
"Leo, come on!" Ryliee calls out before leaping in as well.
Leo throws three shuriken at the Kraang ship before leaping in and closing up the sewer lid, the ship starting to scan.
A homeless man wakes up before falling back asleep, "Gosh darn aliens. Every time." Suddenly, the ship turns invisible.
"Oh, great. 'Cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it." Raph states sarcastically, the five hiding away as the police get called in.
Karai looks at the flashing lights before slowly retreating back into the darkness.
Karai kneels before her father, "It's true. The Kraang are plotting an invasion. I saw the ship myself. They've got some serious hardware. We've gotta do something before it's too late. Father?"
"We shall proceed as planned."
"Tomorrow night, we will receive a shipment of new weapons. These shall help us put an end to the Turtles, Splinter, and Ryliee O'Neil."
"We can deal with that later. Didn't you listen to a thing I-"
Shredder slams his fist down on his throne, "Karai! You have said your piece. Now you will do as I say. Or I can simply have your brother take over for you."
Karai groans a little. Her adopted brother, Kaito smirked. "Yes, father." Karai said.

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