Slash and Destroy

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Mikey plays a video game on the arcade machine while Leo and Ryliee watch, "Oh, yeah! Level 83, dude! Ima flip it!" he lets out a gasp as the boss appears on screen, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! It's Skullerax!"
"Eye beam! Use the eye beam!" Leo advises.
"I'm scared, man! What am I gonna do?" Mikey asks.
"Listen to Leo!" Ryliee told him.
"Oh!" Mikey dodges until a bomb hits his character, losing the game, "No!" he lays his head on the game console, "Mom, help..."
"You want some brownies?" Ryliee pats his head gently.
"Yes please..."
"I'll be right back." the blonde reassures before heading off to the kitchen.
"I was so close, Leo! So close..."
Leo pats his brother's shoulder, "You did well, my son." he then shoves his brother away, "Now watch a real sensei at work." he cracks his neck before playing.
"Here's your double fudge brownies." Ryliee eyes Leo who is playing the game while she hands the brownies over to Mikey. Ryliee continues to stare at Leo when a voice brings her out of her thoughts.
"Mikey!" Mikey immediately hides behind Ryliee.
"Protect me, Mom!"
Ryliee turns to an angry Raph, Spike perched on his shoulder, "What happened?"
"Mikey got pizza stains all over my collection of Modern Ninja Magazine! They're ruined!"
Mikey peeks out, "Dude, those things are, like, twenty years old. They're not exactly modern."
"They're vintage! It took me six years to collect 'em! Six years!" "Mikey, you still shouldn't have messed with Raph's stuff." Ryliee scolding him.
Mikey takes the magazine away, "Chillax, bro. I'll clean it for ya."
"We just need cornstarch powder and then-" Ryliee is cut off as Mikey starts licking the magazine pages, "Oh, no..."
Raph groans in annoyance as he sets Spike down on a crate before smacking Mikey with his magazine.
"You mess up everything, Mikey!"
Mikey rubs his head, frowning sadly.
"It's okay.....just don't mess with Raph's things okay?" Ryliee whispers in reassurance as she lightly rubs his head.
"It's just stuff, Raph. Meager possessions." Leo told him, not looking away from the screen, "What does it matter?" "Leo, it's still his stuff. You wouldn't like it if someone messed with your things now would you?" Ryliee raises an eyebrow at him while he didn't say anything.
"Yea, Ryliee's right. What about your precious comic-book collection, huh?" Raph walks past the two to get to his older brother, "You and sometimes Ryliee always stick up for Mikey. Try seeing my point of view for once." "I do see your point of view Raph." Ryliee comments.
"I get it. I just think, like Master Splinter says, "material possessions are fleeting-"
Raph shoves the arcade game in anger, the game turning off, "All right, enough! I'm tired of you four! You're always messing up, and I got to pay for it!" he growls as he throws his magazine to the ground and storms off.
Donnie tries to make a retro mutagen, but is annoyed, "Can it get any louder out there?" he sighs, "I'm never gonna find a retro mutagen at this rate. Who can concentrate with Raph exploding all the time?" he drops a tiny bit of a pink substance into the mixture, but it starts to fizzle, "Uh-oh."
Fireworks start exploding all over the lair.
"What the?!" Leo yells, both him and Ryliee turn around to watch what appears to be a firework heading right towards them. He leaps forward, pushing both of them out of the way as the firework hits the arcade game and breaks the screen.
"Hit the deck!" Mikey shouts as before both his skateboard and pizza get destroyed by the fireworks, "My pizza!"
"Forget the pizza! Stay down!" Ryliee commands before spotting Spike. She narrowly dodges a firework and grabs onto him, "Gotcha!" "Ryliee!!" She sees the firework coming towards her and Spike, she creates a force field around her and the small turtle as eventually the commotion has died down. Leo runs towards Ryliee and checks on her, "You okay?" "Yeah." Ryliee holds Spike up, "Here you go Raph."
"Oh. Hey, there, little guy. You okay, Spike?" Raph gently takes the pet from Ryliee's hands, "You're all good. Ol' Raph won't let anything happen to you. Thanks Ryles." She nodded and smiled.
"Wow." Donnie coughs as he emerges from the lab, "I did not see that one coming." he lifts the safety goggles he was wearing up, "Everyone okay?"
"What are you, crazy?" Raph angrily storms up to him, "No, we're not okay!"
"What happened here?" Splinter asks as he walks into the main room.
"T'll tell you what happened, Master Splinter. Donnie almost blew us up. Again! And worse, he almost blew up Spike!" "Hey, what about me I saved him?" Ryliee pouted, but they ignored her.
"Raph, dude, I'm really sorry. I-"
"Sorry doesn't cut it this time!" Raph storms into the lab, the others exchanging looks,
"Until the mad scientist gets his act together, I'm holding this for safekeeping." he walks out, holding a canister of mutagen as he heads to his room.
"Raph, come on now this is childish." Ryliee puts her hands on her hips.
"No, Raph, be reasonable! Man, that's my last canister of mutagen!" Donnie calls out. Raph sets the mutagen canister on his drum set, "The others are just holding me back.
We should be out there fighting crime, tracking mutagen. But all they want to do is play stupid games. In Ryliee's defense, she can't do a lot because her wound is still healing.
You get it. Don't you, Spike?" he pats Spike on his shell before laying down on his bed,
"Sometimes, I wish I was on my own, doing things my way. I'm tired of this team."
Mikey knocks on the door before opening it, "Uh, dude? You still mad?"
"What do you want, Mikey?"
"Master Splinter wants us to help clean up." Mikey explains. Raph sits straight up, "No way! Not a chance! Donnie can clean up his own explosion!"
"Hey, if you want to tell Sensei you're not helping out, that's all you, dude."
"Fine." Raph walks over, "I will!" he leaves, slamming the door shut. The force causes the mutagen canister to fall and spill ooze on the ground. Spike makes a noise as he starts to drink some.
Raph storms out into the living room as the others are cleaning up, "Sensei, this is completely unfair. Donnie made this mess. How come I have to help?"
Ryliee rolls her eyes with a sigh, "Grow up won't ya."
"Allow me to make a suggestion, Raphael."
Raph sighs and rolls his eyes, "Suggest what, Sensei? I'm sick of suggestions. What could you possibly suggest?" he suddenly gets pinched in the shoulder, the turtle tensing up and falling to the ground.
Ryliee chuckles a little.
"Perhaps you should sit and meditate for a while." Splinter suggests.

TMNT Leonardo x Ryliee O'Neilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें