Rats of Men

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Ryliee, April, Casey and Irma, were walking out of Pizza Palace, "I know they claimed that pizza was gluten free, but I definitely tasted gluten." Irma stated.
"Thanks for hanging out with us on our date, Irma. We really needed a chaperone." Casey stated, sarcastically putting an arm around April.
"What aren't you saying anything to Ryliee?" Irma asked. "Because me Blondie here have a better vibe. Oooh I just thought of the perfect nickname for you Blondie! Wanna guess?" Casey said with a smirk. "Oh do tell us oh wise Casey Jones." Ryliee said with sarcasm and April snickered. "Okay, y'all know that car place that does parts?" He asked. "Yes." All three girls said in union. "Haha...okay...'O..O..O'Ryliee Auto Parts Oh!" Casey said laughing, then April and Irma started laughing, then Ryliee joined in. "Okay Jones that's a good one." They continued walking.
"Yah! What the.." Casey said as he jumped on up and he landed on top of Ryliee.
"Um, Casey, do you mind getting off of me?" Ryliee asked.
"Oh, right. Sorry, Ryles." Casey said, getting off her and helping her up.
"I can't believe someone as big as you. Is afraid of a little rat." Irma stated as a cat go after the rat. "And I can't believe that rat was so afraid of this adorable little kitty. Aw." April said as she picked up the cat. But the cat jumps from her and runs and hides behind Ryliee, poking its head out and stared at April as it lets out a low hiss of warning. Ryliee looks down and smiles at the little cat and picks it up, "Aren't you just the cutest." The cat nuzzles its head closer to Ryliee, licking her face out of satisfied, "Meoooow." April pouts, "I don't understand why animals hate me. Even as kids I always felt that animals didn't like me, but they sure do love Ryliee." Casey smiles and pats April's shoulder, "You just don't have that magic touch Red, but Ryles does. I mean, you do remember what she did last week." Irma cocks a brow, "What happened last week? What did Ryliee do?" "Rats...." Casey murmurs, Ryliee gives Casey a comforting pat before petting the little kitty again. "Oh! Rats. Right, anyways, as I was saying," Irma starts rant about something, Casey turns to the twin sisters with a grimace on his face as he leans in whispering, "Does she ever shut up?" Both sisters smile as they both look at the cat who hisses at April again, "Little kitty doesn't have any tag. We can't leave her here." April says. "Don't look at me. I'm more of a rat person." Irma said. "Of course you are." Casey and Ryliee said in sink smirking to each other. "We are so best friend goals." Ryliee said as Casey started laughing. "Catch you later Irma. Got to find this kitty a home." April stated.

Back at the lair Splinter was putting a blindfold around his eyes as Leo was standing across him and the three younger brothers were sitting and watching. "I don't know, Master Splinter. This doesn't seem fair." Leo stated. "I assure you it isn't." His father stated, with a blindfold on. Leo draws his katana and attacks, Splinter dodges, Leo misses, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey laugh. "Oh, man." Mikey says. "A swing and a miss." Raph stated. "Blind fighting is more than honing your other senses. It is about perception and giving the illusion of control." Splinter stated. Leo dodged but misses again. "You may think you have the upper hand. In the situation, but... You do not." Splinter stated. Leo charges but Splinter dodged his attack. Splinter then ended up pinning Leo to the floor and Donnie, Raph, and Mikey began to laugh. "Looks like someone needs a shower." Mikey stated. "How's that floor tasting, Lame-enardo?" Raph asked. "Ow!" Donnie, Mikey, and Raph exclaimed in unison as Splinter hit them on the back of their heads with the sword. "It is not hard to sense loudmouths." Splinter stated. Splinter groans as his eyes go red for a second and mutters something under his breath. "Sensei, are you alright?" Leo asks. "I am sorry, my children. This is... something is wrong. I must meditate. We will continue this training another time." Splinter stated. "Yo, did you see that? Sensei gave me the crazy eyes." Mikey stated. Later in the lab, Mikey was eating ice cream while Donnie was working on the retro-mutagen. "So I wondered what got into Master Splinter-Aah! Aah! Brain freeze!" Mikey shouted. "Mikey! You're making a mess! Keep your ice cream away from my experiment. I'm trying to make retro mutagen." Donnie stated. "Always messing up my stuff." Donnie muttered to himself. April, Ryliee, and Casey enter the lab with the cat. "Hey guys, what's up?"April stated. "April! Ryliee! And Casey." Donnie said. "Donatello." Casey said. "We came to see if you guys could look after this." April stated, as Ryliee held up the cat. Amazed, Mikey runs up to Ryliee and takes the cat. "Aww! Look at you! Coohiewoochiewoochie! Can we keep her?" Mikey asked. He sets her down while the cat starts licking the ice cream. "You know, Master Splinter is a rat." Donnie stated. "Yeah, what if that cat goes nuts and attacks him? She could feed off his body for months." Casey said. "You know, there is something seriously wrong with you." Donnie stated. "You're just now realizing that." Ryliee said. "Hey!" Casey shouts. Ryliee, April, and Donnie laugh as the begin to walk out of the lab. The cat meows. Mikey saw that the cat licking the ice cream earlier was now licking the mutagen! "No, no, no, no, no, no!" The cat started to melt and started to melt into a liquid substance. Horrified, Mikey lowered his head. "Oh, what have I done? Mom's gonna kill me." Mikey stated. "Everything okay, Mikey?" Ryliee asked. "Yeah, yeah, it's cold. I mean cool. Cool like ice cream. Ice cream's cold." Mikey stated. Mikey then runs away, leaving April and Ryliee bewildered. Mikey puts the ice cream cat into the freezer. "Don't worry, my little friend. This will keep you from melting. Until I use my scientific genius to figure something out. You taste so good, my little ice cream kitty." Mikey stated. The others all walk in the kitchen, April in between Casey and Donnie. Raph behind Casey, and Ryliee and Leo holding hands as Leo gives her a peck on the cheek. Raph and Casey make gag noises then Ryliee uses her powers to knock both of them down, earning a chuckle from Leo, who then looked up. "Mikey?" Leo asked. "Uh, I didn't do it. I swear I never touched it, and-" he stumbles. "What are you babbling about?" Raph asks. "You better not be eating my ice cream." Ryliee says as she narrows her eyes at him. Splinter enters, he grunts as he takes a step closer and holds his head from a possible headache. "Need ice for my head. And possibly a cheesicle." He reaches for the freezer and opens it slightly but Mikey closes it shut again. "You can't do that! No, Sensei!" Splinter gets angry. "No? You tell me no?" His eyes turn red and he starts chasing Mikey in the kitchen, around the island counter. "This is not helping my whole rat thing." Casey hides. Ryliee then jumps in front of Mikey activating her powers and trying to hold Splinter still from attacking, "Its okay, I'm here Mikey." Ryliee says as Mikey hugs her behind and nuzzles at her shoulder, looking at her with big eyes, "Mom~" Splinter was able to break out of Ryliee's powers and turned towards her and Mikey ready to attack them. Leo yells, "HELP THEM!" The three turtles on the side of the room grab Splinter by his arms, pinning him to the island so he wouldn't attack Ryliee and Mikey anymore. Splinter is struggling, and the turtles are forced to hold him down, Ryliee walks up to him uses her powers to see what's happening his mind, as soon as she is about to see something Splinter knocked his three sons down and Ryliee fell backwards as he stood up on the island to look down at the teenagers. Splinter then said something in a menacing tone, "I've got what I came for." Then fell. Ryliee groaned as she held her head. "Splinter!" Everyone runs towards him as Leo went and helped Ryliee up who was still holding her head. "Sensei, are you okay?" Leo asked. "What happened?" April asked. "The Rat King has returned." Splinter and Ryliee said in unison. "Giant rats? Giant rats?" Casey asked, terrified clung on the other side of Ryliee. "Maybe you should set this one out, Casey." April stated. "We could really use your help, Sensei. Last time you took that creep down with one punch." Leo stated. "Last time was different, Leonardo. Without Ryliee's help I was able to overcome him, but the Rat King has grown too powerful. I do not fear for myself, but for what he could....force me to do." Splinter stated.
The team gets ready without Master Splinter, he made his choice. Donnie gets out the go-karts. "We'll split into two teams. Donnie, Raph, and Mikey you take the go-karts and-" "we wanna go too." Chirped April, Casey, and Ryliee standing next to her. "I'm taking my trusted bike." Casey pats it. Leo nods. "Alright, April you and Casey go with the others and Ryliee, you're with me." "Aye, Captain." Ryliee said.

TMNT Leonardo x Ryliee O'Neilजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें