Rise of the Turtles PT. 2

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The Turtles and Ryliee stare at the canister of ooze, "Whoa..."
Leo looks over, "So that's the-"
"Mutagen that turned us all into what we are now." Donnie says.
"Let's take the canister from here and drink some!" Mikey suggests, crossing his arms.
"What? Why would you do that?" Raph asks, crossing his arms as well.
'Cause if you mutate a mutant, you get a super mutant!" Mikey assumes.
"Or a pile of goo on the sidewalk." Donnie told him.
"Either way, it's an improvement." Raph smirks.
"Guys, this is huge. Whoever kidnapped Ryliee's family are somehow connected to what happened to us fifteen years ago." Leo told his brothers.
"How is that possible? And would you have any idea why they would take your family and not you?" Donnie asks Ryliee.
"I have no idea. I've only returned home today so who knows what happened while I was gone." Ryliee said looking down then turned her attention to the man.
Mikey wiggles his fingers, "For alien robots, anything is possible."
"Stop that. There are no such thing as alien robots!"
There was a sound of grunting the brothers turned their attention to the teenage girl who grabbed the man.
"Who are you and who are those men that took my dad and my sister? Where are they? Why take them? And what's with this ooze?" Ryliee said with anger.
"Names Snake and I ain't got nothing to say you freaks or even you doll face." Snake said as he eyed Ryliee. There is one thing that Ryliee hated other than her family being kidnapped by strangers and that's being called "doll" so she activated her powers her eyes glowed purple as a purple ball of energy grew and she put it close to face. "Don't ever call me 'doll' if you know what's good for you. Now answer us." She demanded. Raph, Donnie, Mikey were shocked by seeing Ryliee's power, Leo was actually enjoying this side of her.
"Wow dudette! I didn't know you had superpowers are you a superhero!?Ooh! You got to let pick your superhero name!" Mikey said in excitement. Donnie looked at her curiously as to why did she have powers and where did they come from. Raph, he wanted answers to everything, but was also curious about her powers, but he also enjoying her using powers to threaten Snake. "Fine, you don't want to take the easy way how about we do the hard way? Raph, you have any fun ideas we can use to get answers out of him?" Ryliee asked looking at Raph with her eyes glowing purple. He smirked he liked how this girl did things. "Donnie, Mikey grab him and hold him steel we're going to play a little game." Raph said as Donnie and Mikey held on to him. Ryliee stepped aside standing next to Leo with her powers still on. "What are you doing?" Snake asked scared as Raph held the open canister of ooze. "We're going to play a little game I like to call 'mutation roulette', you could come out looking handsome as me or hideous or disfigured like Mikey." Raph said. "Hey!" Mikey said mad. "Leave poor Mikey out of this he's adorable." Ryliee said defending the young turtle. Mikey smiled at her and she returned that smile as well. As Raph was about to poor the ooze Snake broke. "Okay!, Okay! They call themselves the Kranng. They've been grabbing scientists all over and taking them somewhere I don't know." He said. Donnie looked up happy. "Hey your dad's a scientist, I'm a scientist your sister is totally gonna like me." He said with a big grin on his face. "I don't think you're her type." Snake said bluntly. Seeing Donnie's smile dropped Ryliee got in Snakes face. "Hey why don't you check eBay and see if they have any life for sale because it's you don't have one, also I don't know what your problem is, but I'm guessing it's hard to pronounce." Ryliee said earning a laughs from the turtles and a thank you from Donnie.

A few hours later Mikey accidentally let Snake escape and they returned to the lair to form up a plan.

Donnie welds shuko spikes in his lab while Raph is in the kitchen, talking to someone.
"I know you're a little worried about me. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've never gone into a fight like this, and I don't know what's gonna happen. But you don't have to worry. I will make it back. I love you, man." Raph told his pet turtle, Spike, who was munching on a leaf.

"Aww." Mikey awes, making Raph turn around to him, "Are you talking to your pet turtle?"
"No." Raph denies, "Shut up!"
"That's adorable." Mikey teases.
"Oh, I'm gonna crush you!" Raph jumps over the table as Mikey starts running away and screaming, his brother chasing him with a wooden spoon, "I'm gonna shellac you!"
Ryliee looks down at the small items Leo had laid out in a pattern, "Are you sure about this?"
Leo thinks to himself, "I think this plan is gonna work."
Splinter walks over to them, "No plan ever survives contact with the enemy. It is how you act on it." Ryliee walks away giving them space to talk and pulls up her necklace she had her friend Celeste add a little something so she transform into her battle outfit (like Ezra's magic in Fairy Tale) she breaths in closes her eyes and around her body there was a blinding bright white that and then it was gone, Ryliee's outfit had changed to a skin tight white crop top under a half top black jacket zipped half way up with the selves up to her elbows, then she had black fingerless gloves and black tight skinny jeans wearing black high top combat boots, then her hair was up in a high ponytail with a blue ribbon in it, and for her make up was black and blue eyeshadow with light pink lipstick. And to complete the look was her weapon was magical sword, but what's special about it is that Ryliee has the ability to switch what weapon she wants since she trained for. She looked at herself and said, "Okay, let's do this." Back with Leo and Splinter. "Sensei, do you think I'm ready for this?" Leo asks.
Splinter puts his hand on his shoulder, "Leonardo, I made you leader for a reason."
"What is that reason?"
"That is for you to discover on your own."
"There's so much riding on this. What if something goes wrong?"
"Failure is a possibility every leader must face, Leonardo. It is something I had to face in Japan during my final battle with my enemy, the Shredder." Splinter explains.
"The Shredder?" Ryliee asks confused as she returns and Leo is staring at her battle outfit.
"Years ago, Oroku Saki, as Shredder was called then, had been my friend, but the love of a woman came between us. He could not accept it, and his jealousy turned outward in a vengeful attack. And while he could not defeat me that day, my world fell and crumbled around me as the battle took the life of my beloved Tang Shen, and I lost my baby daughter, Miwa." Splinter braces himself against a wall, his head down in pain.
Ryliee covers her mouth, "I...I'm sorry."
"But that's my point, Sensei. You lost everything."
"I lost many things. My family, my home, my name...But I gained many things as well, like the four of you."
"Don't worry. We can handle this." Leo reassures.
Ryliee smiles as she bows, "I can never thank you enough for helping me get my sister and my dad back." They all screaming and went to see what was happening. Raph was chasing Mikey with a wooden spoon. Mikey rushes by with a pot on his head, screaming, "Help me, dudette!"
Raph chases after him, "Get back here!"
"Does that always happen?" Ryliee smiles and looks over at the two.
"More than you know." Splinter told her as Leo sighs.

TMNT Leonardo x Ryliee O'NeilWhere stories live. Discover now