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Play song when it says to.
"Kraang, a message from Kraang's glorious leader..."
"Kraang Prime!"
A giant colossal Kraang with three purple symbols on him appears on a screen as the other Kraangs praise him.
"Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang!"
"The invasion that is known as the invasion of Earth begins now!"
Kraangdroids march in place, "Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang! Kraang!
Kraang! Kraang!"
"Prepare the Technodrome."
The Kraang flyers do just that.
The Kraang communication orb starts to glow purple and sound an alarm.
"Holy toledo!" Donnie exclaims as he starts typing on his computer.
"What's with the alarm, Donnie?" April asks in concern as she walks over to him.
"The Kraang communication orb's going haywire, which means those little brain-blobs are up to something big."
April peers at the computer screen, "What is this? Alien language? Can you decode this stuff?" "I guess we're about to find out." Donnie taps on one of the keys, "Translating now." electronic blips and beeps are heard before Donnie's eyes widen, April gasping and covering her mouth.
Leo and Ryliee were holding hands while watching the last episode of Space Heroes while Raph was reading a magazine and Mikey was playing an arcade game.
"And now, the final episode of Space Heroes." the man on the TV announces as the two gasp in excitement.
"Captain, the destructinators are on our tail!" Crankshaw reports, "We're...lost."
"What do we do?" Celestial asks.
"I've got an idea. It's crazy. It defies all logic. It's illegal in 16 solar systems mother would most assuredly not approve. But it just..." Captain Ryan pushes a button, but the power fails, "Nope! Abandon ship."
"Huh?" Leo's eyes widen.
"What?" Ryliee puts her hands to her face.
Dr. Mindstrong, Crankshaw, Grundch, and Celestial start to leave, but Captain Ryan doesn't.
"Captain, aren't you coming?" Crankshaw asks.
"We can't do this without you." Celestial adds.
"A true captain goes down with his ship." Crankshaw sadly salutes as Celestial begins crying, "Sir, it's been a privilege to-"
Captain Ryan slaps him in the face, "Just go." he cups Celestial's face before the door shuts. He sits down in his chair, patting the seat, "Well, old girl, it's just you and me."
"What a hero." Leo comments before Donnie shuts off the TV, "What are you doing?
That's the final episode of Space Heroes!"
"Yeah, we were watching that!"
"I've got something a little more important." Donnie told them.
"What could possibly be more important?" Ryliee stands up before noticing his eyes soften at her, "What?"

April was holding Ryliee close to her as Donnie was explaining, Kirby spying on the group.
"April and I have been sifting through all this Kraang chatter, and, well, listen to what we translated." Donnie types on his computer as Kirby gasps, the chip in his neck starting to beep.
"The final phase of the plan known as Kraang's invasion shall commence in the unit of time that is six hours. The Technodrome shall arrive from Dimension X through the
"Are you sure this is the translated version?" Mikey asks.
Donnie facepalms, "They said in six hours, something called the Technodrome is coming through that portal. This is the final phase of the Kraang invasion." "Wait. But I thought April was the key to the Kraang plot, and they don't have her." Leo gestures to the redhead.
"If that Technodrome comes through that portal, well, it sounds like the end of the world." Donnie explains as he continues typing, "Especially considering what they want Ryliee for."
Ryliee looks over at him, "They just want their masterpiece back. Although, I can't remember them even having me kidnapped. Other than them mainly wanting April."
"It could have happened before you met us. Do you remember anything that was life changing to you?" Donnie asks her. "Other than being born with powers that's all I can think of." She said.
"Why do the Kraang want to experiment on Ryliee? What do they need her for?" Leo asks.
Donnie pulls up some files, "According to these files on Ryliee, it says that she was born with unlimited powers and that she would lead Kranng to victory. But it also says that who ever takes her out will be able to have that power and they'll be unstoppable. Whatever is her blood they want to use it just like with April, but it could lead to the end of world." 
"So what do we do?" Raph asks his brothers.
Ryliee crosses her arms as April side hugs her.
"Guys..." Leo looks up in determination, "We've gotta find a way to shut that portal down. It's up to us."
"To save the world?" Mikey asks. "Leonardo is right." Splinter enters the room, the six turning to him, "When you first went up to the surface, I feared you were not ready. But I have come to realize that you are not only ready to become heroes, it was your destiny. And if the fate of the world must rest in somebody's hands, I am grateful it is yours." his sons bow before heading out of the lab, April smiling before catching Ryliee leaving the room starting to cry.
She follows after her, "Leonardo, a moment, please." Splinter speaks to his eldest, "With the world at stake, the only thing of importance is that you complete your mission."
"Yes, Sensei."
"No matter what you have to sacrifice...or who." Splinter walks away upon receiving a nod. Kirby watches with a grim expression as the thing in his neck beeps.
Splinter finds Ryliee in the kitchen, "Ryliee, I know that Cassandra has told you it is your responsibility to help save the world and I know you want to help, but I think it would be wise if you were to stay here with April and I."
Ryliee looks up, "What?'
"The Kraang are after you. We can't afford to lose you to them. It's for your own safety."
Splinter reassures her.
Raph gears up with Spike in front of him as Donnie talks to Leo about the TCRI building blueprints. Splinter meditates in the dojo as his sons continue getting ready with new inventions from Donnie and some returning ones as well, like Metalhead. April peeks into the kitchen to see Ryliee and Leo have heartwarming moment before she gives Donnie a hug before stepping back and standing next to her twin sister.
Ryliee forces a smile and does a two-fingered salute as Splinter nods.
"Gentlemen, let's save the world." Leo declares as the Turtles get into the Shellraiser, driving off.
"There they go." Ryliee states, letting her smile drop.
"Um, you mind if I ask you a question?" April asks as she holds her arm.
"Of course not."
"Why aren't you or Ryliee going with them? I mean this is what Ryliee has been training for since we were eight years old."
"Why do you ask?" Splinter asks as Ryliee looks away.
"The Turtles are out there risking their lives. Don't you think they could use your help?"
"I am their teacher. My role is to prepare them for the challenges they face." Splinter explains, "And Ryliee is not ready for something this big on her own."
"But she goes on missions with the guys all the time and she held her own against Karai, Shredder's own daughter."
"Sensei, I understand that you care for my safety, but I need to be out there with them. This is what Cassandra has been training me for I can't let her down." Ryliee speaks up.
"Ryliee, I already told you that the best thing you can do is remain here where you are safe. The Kraang want you and will stop at nothing until they get you."
"So I am to remain here like a child and worry while my friends, risk their lives? Don't you remember what Cassandra told you before she died? I am the savior of the world." Ryliee's voice raises, "It is my job to make sure the world is-" "Damare, Miwa!" Splinter interrupts her, narrowing his eyes before realizing what he just said. Ryliee and April stare at him in surprise before he speaks again, "I do not have to explain myself to a child." he leaves, standing for a moment of guilt before continuing.
April turns to Ryliee, "Wasn't Miwa the name of his daughter?"
"Yeah...yeah, it was."

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