The Pulverizer Returns

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The Turtles and Ryliee were fighting Foot ninjas.

"I could do this all night." Raph comments before knocking down a Foot ninja. He looks around to see that they were all down.

"You were saying?" Ryliee asks teasingly.

"Aw, man."

"Raph, if you keep breaking your toys, we're not gonna buy you new ones." Leo comments with a smile.

"Dude, it's like we just cleared a video game on "easy"." Mikey jumps down.

"Mikey, if Master Splinter has taught us anything, it's that real combat is not like a video game." Leo told him.

"Yeah, especially if they are anything like the Wingnut and Arachnid-Man video games

I've played." Ryliee adds.

"Wait, they have games for them?!" Mikey shakes her shoulders.

"Calm down."

"Hey, coins!" Donnie kneels down as a ping is heard.

"The Foot soldiers haven't been much of a challenge lately." Leo notes, "Wonder why?"

"Well, maybe we're just that awesome." Raph suggests as he crosses his arms.

Leo grins, "That sounds right." "You know who I'd hate to be?" Donnie gestures to the fallen soldiers, "The guy who has to tell Shredder about this."
"It'll probably be Dogpound." Ryliee guesses.
Kraang watches as Dogpound gets knocked away by Shredder.
"You promised me an army of the best, most lethal ninjas in the world. But the Turtles and Ryliee O'Neil have decimated them. The ones left are hardly worthy of wearing the emblem of the Foot."
Dogpound bows his head, "I can find more soldiers. Just give me time."
"No more time. I need more soldiers, I need better soldiers, and I need them now!"
Shredder stabs his blade into the glass as Dogpound dodges.
"But that's impossible!"
Shredder walks up to the shaking dog mutant before spotting the Kraang, "Hmm.
Perhaps not. Perhaps there is a method for building an army of Foot soldiers powerful enough to destroy those Turtles and their ally once and for all, a method we shall steal from the Kraang."
Kraang looks up at Shredder and snarls.
Leo, Donnie, and Ryliee spy on the TCRI building while Raph was relaxing, sighing and groaning in irritation as Mikey repeatedly bounces a ball in boredom. "Alright, guys. Let's pack it in." Leo commands, "Nothing's happening."
"I was afraid this day would come. We've run out of butts to kick." Raph kicks Mikey's ball away.
"Oh, don't say that." Ryliee crosses her arms, "Even the bad guys have to take some kind a break at some point."
"Wait." Leo looks down towards the TCRI building, "Maybe not."
"Foot Clan!" Mikey spots a Foot ninja moving along the building walls.
"I don't get it. Just one guy?" Raph wonders in confusion.
"Maybe they only need one guy. Maybe this guy is the meanest, baddest, most deadly ninja we've ever seen." Mikey says.
The five watch as the Foot ninja tries to climb the wall, falling down with a groan.
"Or not." Donnie shrugs as Leo smirks.
The Foot ninja climbs up, but struggles to climb into the opened window of the building.
"Anybody else find this dude kind of adorable?" Mikey asks.
"It's sad." Ryliee shakes her head, "It looks sad. Can we please beat this one guy up?"
"Well, he's not much, but he's all we've got. Let's go." Leo commands as the five leap off the building and land on the ground. They run towards the stuck ninja before Foot ninjas land in front of them and behind them, "Ambush!" "All right!" Raph grins as he and the others take out their weapons and attack, knocking the Foot ninjas down with ease. One ninja makes a hand gesture and they retreat, leaving the stuck ninja by himself.
He leaps down and walks over, "Everything okay? I heard-Whoa!" he gets tripped up by one of Ryliee's powers. She aims her katana at him, but he waves his arms in defense, "Wait, Ryliee, it's me!"
Ryliee raises an eyebrow as she takes the mask off, gasping lightly, "The Pulverizer?"

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