night one

680 18 15

—real life—

Atlas was having breakfast with Walker and Charlie in her room, talking and having a movie on in the background.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Charlie asked, looking at Atlas. Walker looked from the tv to her. "Yeah, I'm nervous though." She said.


Atlas shrugged her shoulders. "Because you guys are here. That you guys are gonna watch the movie." She said, looking between them.

"Was it anything like Don't Worry Darling?" Walker asked. Atlas and Charlie snapped their heads to him. "Dude." Charlie said.

Walker raised his eyebrows. "Oops. Touchy subject." He said. Atlas cleared her throat and they looked at her. "Uh, no. Its not." She said.

She looked at Charlie.

"Doesn't matter, Walker. You're lucky you're aloud to attend. I can still send you home." Atlas said, looking at him. "I can't fly without a parent. Underage." He said back to her. "I'll still find a way."

Walker rolled his eyes and Charlie put his hand on his shoulder and chuckled. He pulled his shoulder back and Charlie put his hand back to his side.

"Anyways we still have a few hours before we all get ready. My hair and makeup team will be here in, I think three hours." She said.

"What do you usually do in the mean time?" Charlie asked her. "Usually I go to the other rooms and bother one of my costars." She said.

A knock came at the door. Atlas sat her food down and walked over to the door and opened it. "Hey." She said. She let them in and she closed the door.

Charlie and Walker turned their heads. "Oh my god." Walker muttered and Atlas smiled.

"This is my boyfriend, Charlie. And this is my friend, Walker." She said looked at the two of them. "Guys, this is Florence." Atlas introduced.

"It's lovely to meet you both. I've heard good things about you." Florence said. Charlie smiled. "I'd hope so. It's really nice to meet you. I'm a fan of your work." He said.

"Oh, thank you." She said.

Atlas looked back at Florence. "What brings you by?" She asked her. "I was going to talk to ask if you were going to the after party tomorrow night after the premiere."

She nodded. "Of course I am."

"Can I come?" Walker asked and the three of them looked at him. "Sorry, Walker. Adults only." Atlas said.

"How old are you?" Florence asked him. "15." He said to her. "You're young." She said and Atlas laughed. "It's fine. It's past your bedtime anyways. I'll send my driver after the movie is done." She explained.

"Okay." He said.

The four of them talked for a while before Florence left to get ready for the premiere. After another hour and half her team arrived and they started getting her ready.

They listened to Zayn while getting ready. When her collab song came on everyone sang as loud to the lyrics. Walker took a video of everyone singing to it.

Atlas told him to send it to her. After she was all set and her dress was on she walked out of the room and everyone was hyping her up.

She noticed that Charlie and Walker were already dressed. Charlie had a simple black suit on with a black undershirt. Walker had black dress pants on with a light brown button up and a darker brown jacket.

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