water fight

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-real life-

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-real life-


Walker 🔱
I saw your story.
It was the floors fault.

Sure, kid.

Walker 🔱
I thought British ppl were
supposed to be nice?

We can be, sometimes...

Walker 🔱

I don't appreciate that
attitude, kid.

Walker 🔱

I'm telling Ryan R.

Walker 🔱
Go ahead. He'll be proud.
Read 6.14 am

Atlas rolled her eyes and shut off her phone. She threw it on her couch in her trailer. She picked up her script and read through it. She didn't have any lines for the day but she had to be there.

A knock on her door came and she walked over and opened the door. No one was there so she closed it. Atlas started walked back to her couch when another knock came.

She walked back over and opened it. No one.

She decided to get out and look around. "Fucking hell." She whispered. She heard something rolling and looked down to see a small rubber ball hit her foot.

She looked up and saw three kids with water guns. "Don't you fucking dare. I'm not afraid to hit a child." She said.

Walker, Charlie, and Aryan looked at each other and nodded and then they ran towards her, spraying the water at her. She ran away but they followed her.

After a minute it stopped and they all stopped running. Atlas turned to them soaking wet. "You guys are so dead!" She yelled and ran after them.

The boys ran a lot faster than she did and went different ways. She decided to follow Charlie because he was running straight.

"Charlie!" She yelled out. While still running he turned his head to look at her and he laughed. He turned the corner and went behind one of the trailers. She followed and turned and stopped.

He wasn't there.

All of a sudden a water balloon popped over her head. She slowly turned to see the three of them. "The AD is not going to like this." She said.

"Oops." Aryan said, shrugging his shoulders.

"You pushed back filming another two hours dipshits, you realize that right?" She asked them. They stopped laughing and smiling.

"What the hell?"

They all turned their heads to one of the ADs.

"What the hell happened?" He asked. Atlas just crossed her arms. "Sorry, sir. We just wanted to prank Atlas, for her first day on set." Aryan said.

He sighed. "You three and me are going to talk later. Atlas. I'll take you to hair and makeup. They'll get you dried up and ready." He said and she nodded walking towards him.

They started walking away and she turned her head back and stuck up the middle finger at them before walking behind one of the trailers.

After two hours they got her dried and ready for filming. They told her, her costume will be in her trailer. She said thanks and went to her trailer.

Atlas walked in and closed her door. She turned around to see Charlie in her trailer. On her couch. "I just wanted to say sorry about earlier. It's a prank we do to everyone who comes on set. Water pranks because of, well, Percy Jackson." He said.

Atlas sighed and walked over for her desk and sat down in her chair. "It's fine. I appreciate your apology. At least Sara cleaned me up and got me ready on time." She said.

He nodded. "If it makes you feel any better, Walker and Aryan did it to me when I started." Charlie said.

Atlas smiled. "Let me guess, it was Walker's idea." She guess. He let out a chuckle. "I mean, he is playing the son of Poseidon." He said and she laughed. "He should have never been in a movie with Ryan Reynolds."

He shook his head while laughing. "No he shouldn't have." He said, looking at her.

"Since I'm only here for a few weeks, we all should hang out more. Like go do stuff with everyone another day or something." Atlas pitched.

He nodded. "Sure, we'll all have to see what are schedules are but I'd like that." Charlie said and Atlas smiled. "Perfect."


Authors note:

It's starting!!

Thanks for reading❤️

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