the start

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—real life—

The beginning of February came and Atlas and her manager flew out to Mexico City for the first day of the press tour.

She was doing press for three weeks, home for one, and off to film for Stranger Things.

The cast had a hotel designated for them. So after they got off the plane and drove to the hotel.

Atlas found out that the cast was on the same floor. Her room was right next to Zendaya and Florence, and right across from her was Austin and Timothee.

Her other cast mates were next to them.

They had three days of free time before the next few days were full of press. Usually that never happens. They would always land in the morning and at the end of the day would be the carpet.

But this time was different.

They all had time to hang out before the press.

Atlas and Austin were the first ones to arrive in the city, at the hotel. They all flew out separately, but when they start the press tour, they'll all travel together.

She got word that the others were landing in the next day. So they both decided to catch up.

Atlas took a quick shower and changed her clothes into something nice. She grabbed her phone and walked out of her hotel room.

She walked across the hall and knocked on Austin's door. After a few moments the door opened. "Hey, Austin." She said and he pulled her into a hug. "Hey, Atlas."

He let her in his hotel room and they sat on the couch and caught up with each other. Telling each other about what they've been up to the past few months.

After talking for an hour they decided to go to a restaurant and get something to eat. They were excited to get back together again after not seeing each other for months.

They texted each other once in a while but Austin's not really a social media person and doesn't really go on his phone. For Atlas, she posts all the time and is always on her phone.

Two different types of people.

After they got down they walked back to their hotel rooms. The paparazzi found them as they were walking down the street but they got away from them and got back inside.

They said goodbye and went to their separate rooms. Atlas changed into pajamas and laid on her bed watching a movie and going on instagram.



—real life—

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—real life—

The next day the others got in the city and got to the hotel a few at a time. The next person to arrive was Florence and Atlas immediately went to her.

She stayed in her room and talked as she unpacked her things waiting for the others to come.

Atlas was the closest to Florence in the cast. They had a bond that she hasn't had with anyone else. It was pure, full of nothing but love and admiration for each other.

They've known each other for four years.

Sure, she's known and worked with some actors for years but Florence was different. She thought of her as a sister and nothing could change it.

After Zendaya and Timothee came to the hotel. They unpacked and the five of them hung out in Atlas's hotel room and caught up with each other.

Atlas ordered room service for them and they ate and watched movies. They had a hard time picking one they didn't want to watch something that one of them was in. So it took a good fifteen minutes to decide on a movie.

They spent the next two hours watching one and then they left to their other rooms to sleep or to just be alone before press tomorrow.


Authors note:

The start of the press tour.

I think I'm going have it going for
like two more chapters or so.

I won't write all of their press.
And it might be all over the place
for timeline but it's something to
keep my story going.

Also, Atlas character is playing
Paul's sister. (Yes, I know he doesn't
yet, I mean, Lady Jessica is carrying
it now )

But for this story purpose he has a

Also for the press tour, Atlas is
going to be Chloe Coutau and/or
Blanca Soler because there isn't
a lot of Lola Flanery pics
that I can use.

But after it's done it'll go back to
Lola Flanery.

Hope you guys enjoy!

Summer Love | Charlie BushnellDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora