Camp Half-Blood - Book 2

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Percy woke with a startle as he breathed heavily.

"Bad dream?" Sally asked opening his curtains letting the sunlight in.

"Is Emma okay?" Percy asked not yet answering his mother's question.

"She's fine. In the kitchen, eating the pancakes." Sally said as she knelt down near Percy's bed. A warm fuzzy hand fell on Percy's cheek as Percy felt comfort.

"Bad dream about Emma?" Sally asked. Percy nodded but he sighed in relief remembering Emma had come with him for the school year. Since Emma had never been to a real school before, Percy was the one to show her round. Sally became Emma's guardian, and the three of them (Sally, Percy and Emma) would watch Moana and horror movies every night. Leaving a chair designated for Luca. And Gabe was at an antique shop ready to be shipped off to the United Kingdom, for Sally's masterpiece of sculpture thanks to Medusa's head.

"Yeah." Percy finally responded

"What was it about?" Sally asked.

"I lost her." Percy said looking towards the door to the kitchen. "I lost her to Kronos."

"She will never leave you Percy. I hope you know that. You two have a connection not even me and your father had." Sally smiled looking into the eyes of the man she loved. "You two understand each other by just standing next to each other. I've seen it. You communicate with your eyes, body language."

"Yeah." Percy said softly.

"Come on get ready second day back." Sally said kissing Percy's curls.

"Oh mummmm." Percy whined. "Why can't we just stay with you?"

"Come on Percy. You have to graduate! Demigod or not!" Sally said. "Same for you Emma."

"Sally come on you know I could graduate next year if I wanted to." Emma shouted muffled from the kitchen eating pancakes. Percy chuckled getting out of bed hearing Emma.


"Morning Perc." Emma smiled looking up from her book at Percy walking into the kitchen.

"Morning Em." Percy smiled sitting down next to her on the 4 seat table. "Blue pancakes thanks mum."

"Yeah thanks mu- Sally." Emma said looking at Sally. "Sally. Thanks Sally." Since the three had spent so much time together, Emma felt at home here. Partly because Percy was here. Partly because Luca would want her here instead of camp. And the other part was Luca was best friends with Sally. They all got along.

"What book you reading?" Percy asked.

"You stupid? The title is on the front cover right in front of your face Thalassophile." Emma smirked knowing Percy wouldn't know what that meant. "It's Hunger Games Catching Fire."

"Funny." Percy said taking one of her blue pancakes.

"Hey!" Emma yelled. "Since it's you. I won't take one."

"Grover?" Percy asked.

"Take one." Emma smiled.

"Come on you too." Sally said getting her keys.

"Wait I need to tell you both something." Percy said. "Mum you know how I had a bad dream?"

"Yes honey." Sally said worried putting her car keys back down.

"It wasn't just that. It was Camp Half Blood, it's in danger. Grover is in danger. I think Luke is doing this. Me and Emma have to go back to Camp Half-Blood."

"Summer isn't till ages away. It's just been Easter Percy." Sally said. "School."

"Please Sally. Grover is in trouble. If Camp is in trouble that means Annabeth is going to be in trouble please." Emma said.

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