Endeavor Hero Agency

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I walk into the next morning, and the work studies thing begins again during Hero Studies Class. They hand out the papers for the students. I choose Endeavor's Hero Agency (obviously), and I hand in my choice. Icy-Hot stops me before I leave.

-Shoto: Akane, the other two are joining the two of us too.

-Me: *evily smiling* Well, they're in for a nice surprise.

-Shoto: Yeah, they really are.

We walk out the building and the other two catch up to us.


-Me: Yeah? You didn't know? How else would I be involved in the raid?

-Izuku: Oh! Right...


-Me: Because you're dom.

I dodge his explosion, and we get ready for tomorrow's pain. Three in the morning, a car will be outside. I have no idea what's up with the weird timings, like seriously. EVERY SINGLE TIME I SWEAR TO GOD.

I enter my dorm, and see Tokoyami half-drunk.

-Me: My dear God, what did you? More importantly, why didn't you invite me?

-Tokoyami: HmHmHM?!

Wow, he's stoned! I get him some water, and toss him into his bed. He'll be better in a bit. I go hit the gym with crazy loud music blasting into my ears. I get out after an hour or two, and get a drink from StarBucks. The headache's are still there, but there's not much I can do, is there?


I get out of my shower at two-fifteen A.M, and get into my hero costume. It takes around five minutes, and after that I sit in the common room. Shoto enters a few minutes later. I hear an explosion from Izuku's room, and I realise that Katsuki's probably rushing him, and calling him slo-


Yeah, I was right. They come downstairs a bit later, and it's two-forty five. We wait outside the dorm building, and a car reaches. I climb in after the other three. The other two are constantly being bullied and grilled by Endeavor.

-Endeavor: Explain your quirks.

-Izuku: I-er-It's like extra strength.

Katsuki and Endeavor are continuously screaming at each other.




-Me: Shut the fuck up, both of you don't even have moustaches and you're both past 14.

Yeah, there was a lot of heat in the car. No, literally. Both of them have quirks which result in heat and light. Shoto kind of just iced our half of the car. We finally reached our destination, after fucking World War III. He tells Izuku and Bakuho-Bakugo to get there asses ready. Shoto and I are dragged to the room. We're told what all to do, and are given small walkie-talkie kind of things. Once Katsuki and Izuku are done, I toss them their walkie-talkies. Shoto and I go and douse some fires. He ices it, and I grab all the people inside. Meanwhile, Katsuki and Izuku are forced to do some rookie work. They have to straight-up rescue cats from trees. However, after Katsuki begins complaining too much (and too loudly), Endeavor lets them join us. The four of us are sent to a huge mall, which apparently might have a bomb in it. There are three floors, apart from the ground floor. We all take one floor each. I'm on the top floor. Shoto's on third, and he informs us that the bomb is present in the huge supermarket. I reach immediately, and I discover it in the back aisles, which contain the soft drinks. We're told not to cause too much of a commotion, so Izuku tells the nearby civillians to leave the aisle for a bit. After a bunch of digging, I see it in the midst of the Fanta and Pepsi 2.25 litres bottles. I grab it, and I attempt to locate the off switch which is present in all bombs in case the mission must be aborted. I then see the time remaining on the timer.


I run into the fire exit, with the other three guys following. There, I run down, and get out of the mall, and enter some sort of empty (and also shady) parking lot. My hands are almost blown off by the bomb, but I punch it away in time. A huge fire is lit, and Shoto and I force ourselves inside of the fire, and reel out the bomb, and he ices up the scene. Not a lot of attention has been drawn, because Katsuki scares off the press. I look at my arm, and bite my lip. I grab my antiseptic from my pocket, and pour it on my injury. It burns, but it's obvious that I should do it. We go back to the agency, and I'm sent to a shop that's being broken into. 

The others have to do something, so they'll be here in a bit. It'll be kind of easy. That's at least what I thought. But no, there're two burglars, and on top of that, they have guns. GUNS?!


Anyways, I slide tackle one of them, and grab their gun. I shoot him in the leg, only to be shot in mine by the other one. I do my classic annoyed face. I pick up the other burglar who I had shot, and use him as a human shield. The dude freezes because he doesn't know what to do know. He drops his gun and pounces at me. He has some kind of hedgehog quirk. He stabs me in the arm, and I 'accidentaly' loosen my grip on the man who I was holding. He snags the man, but I now have two guns. I scare them with it, and in a flash, I'm in front of them, my hands now in my pockets. I kick both of them to the ground, and the shopkeeper asks me something.

-Shopkeeper: Are you gonna kill them or 'somin?

-Me: Ah shit, right, I probably shouldn't kill them. It's my first day at the study.

I pick them by the shirt with one hand, and cock the gun near their head with my other hand. They're whimpering, so I just throw them against the wall.

-Me: *into the walkie-talkie* The robbery's cleared up. Only got a bullet in my calf, but nothing more. Shopkeeper has no major injuries, and the customers are absolutely safe.

I walk out and wait for the police to show up. Izuku, Shoto and Katsuki are also here now.

-Me: What took you so long?

-Shoto: We had to bully some kids who were going to do drugs.

-Me: Weird, but sure.

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