U.A Sports Festival

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Oyaji walked into the room, or rather rolled, cause he was in his sleeping bag. I was also going to sleep, but then he came, so yeah. 


Everyone (not ojiro or I, yes even bakugou said it): YEAH LOVE YOU AIZAWA DADDY


Me: This conversation has reached a point where I have to get the fuck out.

Ojiro: Indeed. I salute you and hope that this doesn't occur in your future endeavors.

Me: Why, thank you, man with a prehensile tail!

We walk out of the room, because the entire 1st period went in Oyaji trying to figure out why the fuck he was being called DADDY by 15-16 year olds of both genders.

We had a couple more periods (duh), but as usual, the most annoying one was English. Not because we dislike the subject, but because Present Mic is yelling out the grammar concepts at an all time high volume.

After all the classes were done, we were getting into our gym clothes for Heroics Class. Yeah. The Hero Course kids had AN EXTRA CLASS. UGH.

We walk into Ground Gamma or whatever I really don't care, and All Might flashes that concerning smile of his. Dear God, how many antidepressants do you reckon he takes everyday? 20? 30? Oh well.

 -Old man: Okay young aspirants! Today, we will be practicing for our upcoming sports festival.

-Me: Fuck nah.

-Smelly Old man: Fuck yeah. Shut up and deal with it. So, we'll be doing speed training and sparring. There will be technique and tactics discussions with Nezu-san.


-Smelly Old man: Yup, even I wonder how he's not long gone by now, but that's not a matter of concern right now. Go and run around, soon enough you'll find something you might want to train about.

We run around as he said and I find the mouse. Oh well, might as well leave now. I'm not dealing with that psychotic mouse, he's scarier than AFO because he's so fucking smart, god dammit.

I turn back around as somehow discover a gym. I throw on my headphones and start working out. After a bit, the bell rings and I work out around 30 minutes more before heading back to the dorms. I was a lot hungrier than usual. Maybe I was going to hibernate! I'm just kidding. That doesn't happen to humans. Right?...

I brushed that wishful thinking away and made my way home on my nice ol' bike. Aizawa was already at home, as I could see his car parked outside.

I walked inside the house, expecting just Oyaji and of course, Mayu, the one and only god. I enter the house.





HOLY SHIT, Present Mic. ~Oooooh~

I decide to walk in. They're in the hall, so I creep up the stairs as silently as possible. I can make out that they were drinking.

-Oyaji: Wait, hizashi, what if Akane hears u-

-Hizashi-san: hush shota.

That's all I let my beautiful ears hear, before dashing upstairs.


I realise that I have this goofy-a smug look on my face, so I shake it away immediately. I decide to text Toko-san. I don't want to call or text Katsu-curry, because he'd start yapping away about how I disturbed his sexy Pomeranian sleep, and how training with me in pointless anyways. Unsurprisingly, Toko-san texts back immediately, even though it's like 3:00 AM. He says he's bringing Todoroki and Shoji too. I make myself change into humanish clothes and jump out my window. It sounds suicidal, but number one- I am, and number two- I've done it too many times for it to hurt. I dash away, even though it's like 2 kilometers away. I see Hawks while I was Naruto running, and he goes 'Oh My GoD aKaNe YoU lOoK sO uGlY', so I quickly show him the lovely middle finger and keep running. I also notice his dramatic gasp while I leave. I smirk and continue skedaddling. Finally, I reach the meeting point. It was a dark alley, so it might seem like we were drug dealing, but that's only one part of the plan.

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