Provisional Hero License Exam pt.2

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We begin the phase. Annoying, I know right? Anyways, these losers called the 'Help Us Company' have to be rescued. Man, this is gonna be so tiring.

[3rd Person POV]

Yumi decides to stay alone for majority of this phase. She grabs the nearby victims and takes them to rescue zones.

-Victim: Wondeful job! You do it quickly, but manage to ask how we're doing.

-Akane: Wow, okay thanks.

She gets atleast 5 victims in the zone, and then starts exploring the terrain. Holy shit, it's huge.

-Victim: OW

Her attention gets shifted, and she sees a victim under a few rocks. Where's the grip? She has no idea. She chips the rocks, as if she's playing football, and hauls the victim out. She dashes towards the rescue zone, and places him there.

-Victim: Great job!

-Yumi: GAH! I'm still not used to a 'victim' praising me, sorry.

The moment she leaves, an announcement plays.


-Yumi: [Oh shit]

She's one of the closest students to the arena entrance, so she's in danger. But, so are the victims. She runs even closer, and finally uses one of her special moves- 'Tectonic Impact'.

She punches a crater into the ground, not too far from the victims, but far enough to not hurt them. Gang Orca's attention shifts towards her.

-Gang Orca: MEN! ATTACK!!!

A bunch of people begin running at her, and she cut lines through them all. Gang Orca doesn't expect her to get through them so quickly, and his attention shifts to Shoto, Inasa and Katsuki. She deals with the men again, to make sure they stay down for a good amount of time. She then drags all the victims out of the terrain. This battle's gonna get messy. She notices his restraints. Makes sense, he could kill all of them in approximately 6 minutes and 12 seconds if let loose. Don't worry about that disturbingly accurate prediction, she's been through him. She watches him bully them for a bit, and it comes to the point upon which they're getting beaten black & blue. She decides to step in, and runs front, before cutting a long slash into his torso. Not deep, sure, but good enough to make him notice her.

-Yumi: Oi, let's play!

-Gang Orca: *chuckle* I'm a villain, so I applaud you for you for using such a friendly choice of words. 

[the fuck you mean you 'applaud me'?]

-Akane: A'ight, let's get the party started.

She does a nice backwards stretch, and comes back as if she's a rubber band. He lashes out at her, and she ducks before kicking him back. She spots a victim in the corner of her eye. She kicks him, and keeps him engages. She finally uses her other move, Mirage Whirl. He's taken aback by this sudden distraction, but what he doesn't understand is the reason for her to use it now. It's not to charge up energy. It's to reach the victim. She grabs her. It's a little girl this time. She straps her onto her back, using her previously complementary scarf, and begins spin kicking Gang Orca. There's around 3 minutes left, and she hasn't the slightest idea how she'll manage. She notices Shoto, Inasa and Katsuki stuck up with saving people. As she's dodging him again and again, she squeezes out-


Gang Orca questions this description, but proceeds to beat her ass. She's being punched way too many times, and she can't move too much either, due to the civillian on her back. Katsuki flies in, and she backs out. She fought for about 7 minutes, and that was tiring! They've only fough for 3 back then, and there are two left. She keeps the girl down.

-Yumi: Sorry about that, missie!

-Girl: Amazing skills in rescue! You'd make an amazing hero! If you don't get full for this category, I'll have to see to it myself!

-Yumi: Oh my god, even the younger ones judge?!

-Girl: Yeah, it's kinda complex. I'm an adult. You should get going!

The girl manages to say this third sentence before Yumi would start bombarding her with questions. I mean, she probably wouldn't've, but okay. 

Yumi somehow saves even more victims and has officially destroyed her legs. She's always required to kick away the flying rubble that's coming from their battle. Annoying. The timer goes off.

[First Person P.O.V]

 FINALLY OH GOD I ALMOST GOT TIRED! Just kidding! Such a useless exam could never make me tired, hell naw.


-Me: He's not thaat strong...

I walk off to the results board. I ignore my placement and read my name. I passed. Now, I can kill without issues. 


I notice Shoto and Katsuki with long faces.

-Me: Wut?

-Shoto: We didn't pass.


I barely dodge a blast from Bakuhoe (not misspelt trust me) and see Monoma trying to mock us. I already saw his name in the failing list, so I walk up to him.


-Me: Neito's out here trynna dish out burns, but he couldn't even light a match! Bitch, you better stick to copying, because originality really isn't your thing.

-Monoma: A-ba-

-Me: Monoma, I didn't realize being a copycat extended to copying failures too! But hey, if you're so eager to imitate, maybe try copying some success next time, bitch. It might suit you better than your usual routine of copying defeat, huh?

Kendo fist bumps me, and we leave. We get on the bus and I again begin planning the murder of all U.A involved individuals. This time, our members have increased. Katsuki calls it the 'Murdersquad'. I don't know why though. Maybe because we keep planning peoples' demise. Anyways, we get off the bus, and those two are still sad about not being able to kill people without going to jail.

-Me: it'll be all right! There's probably a retest!

Right after I say this, Oyaji busts in.

-Oyaji: Shoto, Katsuki. There's a retest happening soon, you two best be prepared. I'll give you the details soon.

Katsuki and Shoto slowly turn their heads to me.

-Katsuki: Ho-HOW?

-Me: Sometimes, I ask myself that too, bud.

-Demon- (OC in MHA)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang