A Time For Adventure 11

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July 20, 2174 NYC:

Richie is inside the time ship. And sees that this ship is huge.

Richie: I never thought I'd see a real life Waverider, but here it is.
Random Voice: Waverider. Are you speaking of the ship from the show legends of tomorrow?
Richie: Yes... Who are you and where did your voice come from?
Random Voice: I am the ships artificial intelligence, my captain has named me and the ship Kronos.
Richie: As in the Greek titan? the deity of time father of Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon?
Kronos: I see you're quite the historian.
Richie: Yeah Kronos I hate to disappoint you, but what would you do exactly if you found out your leader is dead?
Kronos: I suppose I would be slightly upset, but that would mainly be because I wouldn't have a purpose.
Richie: Yeah, sorry Kronos, but we killed your captain Princip. And I don't want to threaten you or scare you or anything but I'm thinking I have to blow up the ship.
Kronos: I understand. I can set the self destruct system if you want.
Richie: That would be appreciated. How big of a blast would that be?
Kronos: It may end up destroying the top of this skyscraper.
Richie: Can you give us about 20 minutes?
Kronos: Setting self destruct in 20 minutes.
Richie: Hey Kronos, I just had an idea.
Kronos: What is it?

Meanwhile with the rest of the gang at a lower floor.
Eli: Yeah, so that's what happened.
Max: He didn't have telekinesis it was just his technology?
Jules: And he was also a time traveler?
Nero: He was from the year 3000?
Eli: Yes, yes and yes.
Richie: All right guys I'm back.
Jules: Wait, so why did you even go up there?
Richie: I may have set his time ship the Kronos to self-destruct.
Max: What?!
Richie: It's gonna explode in like 5 minutes so, let's just voyage back to 2024.

Eli sets it to June 7 2024

Eli: Wait, do I set it to New York City or San Bernardino?
Nero: Obviously the penthouse in New York! We can't explain all this futuristic technology!
Jules: Just jump us there already.
Richie: For the 50th time it's voyage!

They all grab on to the briefcase and disappear in a ball of lightning. The room they were in explodes.

June 7th, 2024 NYC:

Eli: Thank God!
Jules: Three days in the future, and it felt like an eternity!
Max: So I think we can all agree. This is completely Richie's fault, right?
Nero: Yeah, I'm fine with that.
Jules: Me too.
Richie: All right fine! I guess it is technically my fault I did have last say and I'm the one who made us go to 2174.
Max: Yeah, maybe next time we time travel, we don't go to the future.
Jules: Next time?! Fuck that!
Eli: What do you mean?
Jules: For three days straight, we were supposed to be having fun in the future but instead we pissed off a crimes syndicate and almost died. I've never held a weapon. I've never killed anyone before this! Im an actress, not a soldier!
Nero: Yeah, same goes for me actually.
Richie: You too?
Nero: I was all up for the time machine because I wanted to use it to save lives, but we took more. Look, we may have made a profit from this time machine, but this is blood money now.

Nero and Jules leave.

Richie: We're in New York. Not to mention we spent three days in the future.

Nero and Jules then immediately stop.

Richie: You're gonna need our help to adjust to the time.
Jules: Fine!

The group discards all their futuristic technology at the penthouse, then goes back to San Bernardino and they check up with their family and voyage up to 3 days in the future to adjust the right time.

June 10, 2024 San Bernardino:

Jules and Nero both left, Max and Eli are still with Richie.

Richie: You guys have nothing against it?
Max: Those guys we were killing, were drug dealings scumbags. I had no problem with it.
Eli: I'm the only one who got to keep their EXO-Suit so I'm good.
Richie: Speaking of which I noticed that, the briefcase didn't have its A.I. in it.
Eli: Oh, yeah, that's cause I took it out and put it in my suit.
Richie: Don't worry, you can keep it. Before I blew up that assholes ship the Kronos, I took the A.I. from it and put it in the briefcase. Now it should know anything from altering timelines to probably anyone who existed.
Max: Nice.
Richie: I need to get a new phone.

Days pass with them going by their days. Richie bought a new phone and ate one of the language learning devices and is currently using Duolingo to learn them all, Nero is still studying astrophysics but everywhere he looks reminds him of flying in the EXO-Suit, while Max watches.

June 18, 2024 San Bernardino.
A week and a half later Max, Eli and Richie are getting lunch.

Max: Holy shit. These tacos are amazing.
Eli: Yeah, me and Richie always do this on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
Richie: They get their ingredients and soda straight from Mexico so it is authentic.
Max: Kind of reminded me of my idea to go to 1950s.
Richie: Actually, why was that?
Max: Well here in San Bernardino during the mid to late 1950s, fast food became very popular, specifically burgers.
Eli: Oh yeah, I forgot they did a whole movie off of that, The Founder, right?
Richie: Michael Keaton, he's the man.
Max: Fuck yeah. So I remember Eli told me that you two are third cousins and starting from his dad they were native Californians. What about you?
Richie: Oh, my parents weren't from California. They were from their respective countries.
Max: Hey up until before my grandpa was born my family lived in Illinois.

In the New York Penthouse on the shelf with the 1990 boxing bet ticket and several papers from the New York Stock Exchange, a broken EXO-Suit helmet is put next to them. Above the helmet on the wall is written 7/17-20/2174.

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