A Time For Adventure 5

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June 7, San Bernardino, 11 AM:

Jules: Let's just go the late 1500s. I don't see the problem in that!
Max: It's pretty obvious why it's too vague, let's just choose the safest option here in California in the 1950s.
Nero: Who cares about safety? By time traveling we already are practically at risk! Let's just be heroes, and go save those astronauts.
Richie: It's voyage and can you guys shut up!
Max: Richie, we are not just gonna go and see your idol.
Richie: I know I was planning on having that one done last, look best idea is we do Max's. Nero I understand what you wanna do is noble, but do you understand that it's a risk?
Nero: Yeah, I know about the butterfly effect but they didn't learn anything from the Challenger because 17 years later the Columbia happened. It was after 9/11 which by then people would have learned to be cautious, they would still their lesson if the Challenger didn't happen. It's a win-win. We save those peoples lives and we don't hurt the timeline.
Eli: You're forgetting about my idea. It's probably the safest out of all of them.
Max: What?
Eli: Forget about going to the past, let's go to the future. We haven't done that.
Richie: Alright it's settled we're going to the future.
Nero: What do our mean its settled?!
Richie: It's sightseeing, we won't be altering history and also to be fair it's my Time Machine so I should get final say.
Jules: How is that fair?!
Richie: Either suck it up or I voyage 1925 leaving all of you here.
Max: All right fine. What year are we going to?
Richie: Eli you decide.
Eli: Well, my favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop set in 2071. The live action takes place in 2171. So let's just round it up by three years. 150 years in the future 2174. In order to get the full experience, let's just go to the biggest city in the US.
Jules: Wait, can we even go that far?
Richie: We'll I voyaged to 1792 which is over 200 years ago. So let's do it!

They all huddle around while Richie types the coordinates. To NYC 150 years in the future. They then disappear in a ball of lightning.

July 17, 2174 NYC

They appear in their gouging alleyway in NYC, out of a ball of lighting, and walk out amazed by the future technology. Swing hover cars and holograms.

Richie: Oh, my God.
Jules: This is beautiful.
Nero: At least 3/4 of the people here aren't walking.
Max: Well guys, then, again, back in our year, if people were judged even a slight bit everyone would get offended. We could just say that we're cosplayers.
Random Man: Wow, that's some very old clothing.
Max: Yeah, it is.
Random Man: You guys must be trillionaires or something to afford clothing that vintage.
Jules: Thanks we're stockbrokers.
Random Man: I'm a say you guys look just like those guys are 200 years ago. You're just straight out of the 1970s.

The group is a bit hurt by this statement while Nero is looking somewhere else

Eli: Actually, these clothes are supposed to represent the 2020s.
Random Man: why would anybody want to dress like that? I heard that was like one of the worst decades in the 21st-century. Idiot, presidents Russia invading Ukraine the biggest pandemic since the Spanish flu.
Richie: yeah well we're big history nerds next week we're gonna dress like we're from the 1920s you know how it's the polar opposite of the 2020s
Random: Oh well good for you. Bye
Eli: Nero, what are you looking at?
Nero: That.

He points at the hologram tv on a building it is showing a battle between American and Chinese soldiers in Cuba. The news stating war against the Chinese is raging on in the Caribbean.

Max: What the fuck? After like what 300 years we're still beefing with China.
Richie: well in 1949 when they became communist so really-
Jules: Richie shut up we're trying to listen!

It states that the U.S. Is gaining help from anyone in this war. Thankfully, China doesn't have any bonuses on that because they aren't getting help either.

Eli: that's pretty weird. I figured North Korea would help them.
Richie: well from what I remember North Korea was somewhat suffering due to low population and birds of children. How about this we find a computer and find out what the fuck has happened in the last 150 years.
Max: Can we get some food first I'm kinda hungry.
Nero: Goddamnit!
Jules: relax OK we're not in a hurry. Plus I'm pretty sure The New York Stock Exchange would still exist, so we must have our money.
Nero: yeah, except they were just people in the world are now quintillionaires. And we just be quadrillionaires.
Jules/Max: What's that?
Eli: Quadrillion is after trillion and quintillion is after quadrillion.
Max: Why is that important?
Richie: Because inflation is a bitch! And so is the IRS!

They go to the New York Stock Exchange and see they now have 3 quadrillion dollars. They take their money and they see a McDonald's. They go to it and order some burgers.

Richie: $127 for all five of us. Like I told you guys inflation is a bitch.
Max: Tastes amazing though.
Nero: From what I heard, none of that is actually real meat it's all plant-based.
Jules: Probably why it's so expensive.
Eli: Hey Max, I noticed that you're dipping your burger in ketchup, why is that?
Max: When it comes to some burgers, whenever the patties is too thick, it's hard to taste the ketchup by simply putting it on. Got to dip it.
Richie: I do the same thing. Actually not that but there's some thing I realized. What are things in New York would've changed?
Jules: Broadway.
Nero: Skyscrapers.
Eli: New Jersey.
Max: The Mafia

Everyone then looks a bit confused at Max.

Max: I've told you guys several times before my parents like old movies.

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