A Time For Adventure 9

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July 20, 2174 NYC:

The gang is getting ready to enact the plan. Richie gets in a hover car and waits a few blocks away from the skyscraper while the rest of the group goes to the warehouse. They enter and see all the technology 5 gaurds and technology there.

Max: Hey!

One guard turns around only to see Max have his laser magnum aimed at his head where he then fires, killing him. He then proceeds to pull out his laser shotgun and starts firing. Jules and Nero proceed to enter with their laser sub-machine guns firing killing two of the guards. While in cover two of the guards call for backup and exit the warehouse.

Guard 1: We need back up!
Guard 2: Yeah, it's those young assholes! We don't know, but they're raiding us! They're most likely working for another syndicate!
Man on phone: Why is it a big deal just leave?!
Guard 2: Our deal with the Triads to sell them all these EXO-Suits in here is tomorrow! This can start a huge problem! Send everyone! If they learn how to use, these suits were screwed!

Eli is on top of another building waiting for them proving overwatch with the laser rifle. As soon as they put down their phones Eli kills them both. Eli exits off the top of the building and enters the warehouse. He sees the group is picking up laser rifles

Eli: Wow... look at all this technology. We got some high-powered laser rifles.
Max: Hey, what's this? It says these things are called edible speech learners.
Nero: I think I have a theory? Does anybody speak different language?
Max: No.
Jules: Obviously not.
Eli: I speak Spanish.
Nero: Just like Richie. Here, Max eat this
Max: I'm not just gonna eat some random-
Nero: Fucking eat it.

Max eats it

Max: I don't feel any different.
Nero: Eli talk to him in Spanish.
Eli: Ok. Lo que acabas de comer te permite aprender cualquier idioma. (What you just ate allows you to learn any language.) Try and speak it.
Max: Yo entender bueno (I understand well)
Eli: What are those bootlegs? His Spanish is a bit broken.
Jules: Maybe it improves overtime.
Nero: In any case, we all should take one of these.

They all eat one and start looking through the other technology. Jules finds a backpack and starts putting the language learners in there as subatomic grenades as well as bullets for laser guns, while Nero and Eli put on EXO-Suits.

Max: OK I will admit you remind me of Iron Man, but that is still bad ass.
Nero: Sucks. I don't know how to use this.
Eli: I think I might have an idea.

Eli takes out the A.I. chip from the briefcase and inserts the chip into the suit he is wearing.

A.I.: Hello Eli.
Eli: Um... Hello Exo? Any chance can you teach me how to use the suit?
Exo: I'd be happy to.

The team then watches while Eli has trouble learning to use the suit. He starts flying but crashes into one of the walls.

Eli: This might take a while. You guys should put on the suits.

Meanwhile while inside a car outside of the building Richie is with a thermal detector A.I. that he stole off of one of the mobsters in the past couple days.

Richie: So tell me little machine, how many hostiles are left in the building?
A.I.: Apparently there are 14. The two guards in front, the receptionist. The 10 guards on the higher floors and the man you call Princip at the very top.
Richie: Man, something does not feel right. A.I. make a quick call to the A.I. in the briefcase Eli has.

Meanwhile Eli got the shooting down but is still having trouble with the flying mechanics.

Eli: Yeah, what is it Richie?
Richie: I'm outside of the base. Everyone should be coming by now. There's only 14 people, I reckon I can kill them all.
Eli: What else?
Richie: Something doesn't feel right. This guy Princip he's ruled the New York and Jersey for about 15 years now. He was able to take over the most powerful crimes syndicates in only a span of six months. So far from what I've seen you need outside resources and your own influence to take one boss down in that span of time. But this guy somehow did it with 7 of them.
Eli: Ah shit! The guys are arriving!

Richie then hears sounds of blasts and explosions. On the phone, he then hangs up.

Richie: Here goes nothing.

Richie then enters the building and sees the receptionist who immediately recognizes him and slowly starts reaching for the laser pistol under her desk.

Receptionist: Hi May I help-

Richie then grabs her wrist and stops her.

Richie: It's gonna take a lot more than a fake smile and a laser pistol to take me down.

Richie then pulls out his laser revolver and pistol whips her. The guards see this and pull out their laser pistols. Richie then jumps over the desk and grabs the laser pistol. As soon as they stop firing Richie stands up and fires, both laser pistols, killing the guards. He then sees a laser shotgun underneath the desk which he then takes while sticking the 4 laser handguns in his pants. He then avoids the elevator and takes the stairs. I kick the door open and see a guy where I then shoot his leg then hand with the shotgun. The guy is in pain.
Richie: Lie to me, answer in less than five seconds, and you lose the other leg.
Guard: What?!
Richie: Where is the armory?

Another guard then comes down and Richie shoots him in the stomach. He sees that the other guard is still alive.

Richie: Well, I'm waiting?
Guard 1: Ok it's on the 5th floor room 237.
Richie: Are you sure because that other guy still alive if he doesn't say the same room as you you're losing the leg.

Richie then walks to the other guard.

Richie: What room is the Armory in?
Guard 2: What?!
Richie: Now, just to be clear. You better tell me the truth, because depending on your answer, you or him could die.
Guard 2: Fifth floor room, 237.

Richie then leaves and starts walking to the 5th floor.

A Time For AdventureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora