A Time For Adventure 12

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June 22, 2024 San Bernardino:

Max goes to Eli's house and Richie is already there.

Max: It's a pretty nice here.
Eli: Yeah being my families oldest son but only 18, they still are reluctant to kick me out.
Richie So you hear from Nero or Jules yet?
Max: No, those two have been practically avoiding me like the plague. Actually speaking of which Richie where is that term from? I keep hearing it?
Richie: Mid 1300s Eurasia. There was a bubonic plague going around, called the black death. For some reason most people think it's called the black plague though.
Eli: Jesus it's been over two weeks now.
Max: Well, I mean, can you blame them? after all they did almost die and do a lot of terrible stuff because of what happened.
Richie: Actually, there is something I should probably discuss with you guys.

Richie pulls out a notebook. Inside it says R/N/E/M/J: 6/5/2024 -> 1990↩️, R: 6/6/2024 -> 7/4/1792/1821/50/79/1908/37/66/95↩️, and R/N/M/E/J: 6/7/2024 -> 7/17-20/2174↩️

Eli: You're keeping track of where we go?
Max: Well, obviously he doesn't want us to run into our past selves, so it only makes sense. I mean have you seen Back To The Future II?
Richie: Look, I want to make up with those guys because I really feel bad for them. I know it's going to be impossible for Nero cause I'm pretty sure we all know what his price is.
Eli: Look, I'm with you on that we can save those astronauts, but we can't alter the timeline.
Max: Jules it should be easy.
Eli: She's been ghosting me for over two weeks now.
Max: I know it sucks. She's been ghosting me too. Actually Richie you never really showed us how to use this.
Richie: Oh, it's easy. This top bar right here says when and where you were this middle bar shows when and where you are. This bottom bar shows when and where you want to go. First, you got to use this keypad to type in the coordinates, then the time, Kronos will verify, and when you're ready, press the voyage button.
Eli: So that's why you keep saying that!
Max: Saying what?
Eli: This dickhead is always so critical about it being voyage, and not jump, or leap or travel.
Richie: That's actually not why. But anyway, if it's open, whatever is in front of the time machine will voyage to that direct time, if it's closed then it will just be the time machine to voyage to that time, and if there's anybody holding it or near it while it's closed they will go with the time machine.
Eli: I'm starving.
Richie: Really that's what you're thinking about?
Max: I'm not gonna lie. I'm kind of hungry too..
Eli: Chicken?
Richie: Had that yesterday. Ramen?
Max: I'm not feeling noodles. Hey, we never used the briefcase to voyage to the past and get some food.
Richie: Let me guess you wanna go to 1950s San Bernardino and get burgers?
Max: Well, I wasn't thinking that, but since you said it.

30 minutes later they meet at Richie's house and Richie is wearing a backpack.

Eli: What's in there?
Richie: Well considering the fact last time we timed traveled we almost died so I'm being careful now. In here I got my laser revolver, Max's laser magnum, a bio repair unit, your EXO-Suit.
Eli: My EXO-Suit can fit in there?
Richie: Put it in compact mode and it can fit in a lunch pale.
Max: Alright enough talk, put in the coordinates.
Richie: Alright when?
Max: After 53 and before 61.
Eli: Why's that?
Richie: 54 was the start of the golden age of McDonald's, 61 was when the McDonald's brothers sold the company to Ray Kroc.
Eli: Oh, well in that case I guess we should go to 59, 5 years after the start of the height.
Max: I'm down.

Eli types in the coordinates and closes the briefcase and they immediately voyage.

May 28, 1959 San Diego:

Max: Where are we?
Eli: Turn around.

There is a sign that says welcome to San Diego.

Eli: Those coordinates you put in were for San Diego.
Max: There's no problem with that.
Richie: Actually there is, there wouldn't be a McDonald's made in San Diego for another five plus years. Give me that. it's an easy fix instead of voyaging we can just teleport.

They then teleport to San Bernardino.
Meanwhile at the ARPA building in California.

Agent: Sir I just got a signal on the Radar.
Lead Agent: What is it?
Agent: There was a weird energy surge in San Bernardino. The Commies?
Lead Agent: Most likely, they already are closer to solving cold fusion than us. But this wouldn't make any sense if it was a big surge of energy shouldn't it destroy the town? From what I'm seeing on this map San Bernardino is perfectly intact.
Agent: Yeah, I'm looking at this right now it appeared for like five seconds slowly building until it became one giant surge, but then it disappeared. KGB test maybe?
Lead Agent: They only formed five years ago, and yet somehow their technology is this advanced?

San Bernardino:

Meanwhile at a McDonald's. Richie, Nero and Max are eating burgers.

Max: Ray Kroc only met them five years ago, and they're already this famous?
Richie: He just knew good marketing.
Eli: I can see why you wanted to be here. These taste way better than how they do in 2024.
Richie: Well, lucky us. Our grandpas aren't in California yet.
Max: Mine is. Not that I would want to see the scumbag.
Richie: Do you really hate your grandpa that much?
Max: Yes, I do. I know it wasn't directly his fault, but him neglecting my dad caused him to neglect us and turn to cocaine at 23.
Eli: Wait 23? Not to insult, but from what you told me he was 52 when he died?
Max: Yeah, I know it's surprising. He lasted almost 30 years on cocaine.

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