A Time For Adventure 6

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July 17, 2024 NYC:

The gang is currently at a library using one of the high tech computer. They are looking at the history from the pst 150 years.

Richie: OK so it says that in the year 2171, America and China finally became fed up with each other and started a war for numerous reasons or whatever you start a war for. So who knows how long this war will last. Not only that, but America now has 55 states. Including the Dominican Republic, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Haiti, Jamaica, Alaska was split in half to Western and Eastern Alaska. And New York in New Jersey merged to the state of New York and Jersey.

The group later leaves the library. Where they walk back to their alleyway.

Eli: You know, I thought we would have a cool adventure here I didn't think it would be this boring.
Richie: Hey, at least I got this A.I. thing to add into the time machine.
Nero: So what's that even gonna do?
Richie: It should be able to show like someone of a hologram of where we're landing, and what the place looks like, it gives some textbased feedback. So pretty much any question about history you have, you can just ask the time machine now.
Max: You know what you should do? Get a bulletproof briefcase. My sister was watching some show where they also had time traveling briefcases, however as soon as this one guy got his, it was all shot up and it won't work.

As soon as they get to their alley two guys are there. They both seem to have standard New Yorker accents.

New Yorker 1: Hey those are some pretty nice clothes.
Jules: Thanks, we were really going for that 2020s vibe.

New Yorker 1 pulls out a knife.

New Yorker 1: How about you for take them off? They be pretty expensive, considering how old they are.
New Yorker 2: Before you say anything this alleyway here is a Blindspot to all the cameras so the NYPD are not gonna be able to see shit.
Nero: You gotta be fucking kidding me.
New Yorker 1: I said take the clothes off!

New Yorker 1 gets closer to Eli with the knife and Max immediately punches him causing him to drop the knife. New Yorker 2 then pulls out a gun and aims it at Max only for Richie to lift it up in the air causing him to fire twice. Eli picks up the knife and while Richie is struggling with New Yorker 2, Jules and Nero help Max beating New Yorker 1 while he is down. Richie then sees Eli has the Knife.

Richie: Quick stab him!
Eli: You serious?!
Richie: Fucking do it!

Eli stabs New Yorker 2 causing him to let go of the gun, he then tries to run away but Richie shoots him in the back then in the back of the head with it. Eli joined in on beating the shit out of New Yorker 1. Richie then walks up to him.


Richie then shoots him with the gun. Everyone is now in shock of what just happened.

Richie: Did that seriously just happen?
Max: I can't believe this.
Jules: You just killed two members of a crime syndicate.
Richie: What do you mean I did?! You all helped!
Eli: You shot and killed both of them!
Richie: You're one to that talk you stabbed that guy!
Eli: After you told me to!
Nero: Yeah, I think we need to focus on the better question. What did he mean New York and Jersey crime syndicate?
Richie: He's probably talking about the commission. It was formed by Lucky Luciano in 1931. It's meant to sort of monitor all organized crime in New York and Chicago.
Jules: Why would it still exist after nearly 2 1/2 centuries?!
Max: Guys we should probably leave because the cops can show up at anytime now, we'll ask the briefcase.

The group leaves and go to a park.

Richie: All right briefcase, what is the crime syndicate of New York and Jersey?

The briefcase A.I. explains that in the 2030s the mafia started committing cyber crimes, 2045 there was a massive crackdown on New York Mafia causing organized crime to go down and the commission to be destroyed, and the sole land of organized crime became Illinois. It took nearly 50 years for it to get back on their feet in 2090s through theft and sales of high-technology. They were all chaotic and at war with each other, they were remnants of the Genovese, Bonnano, and Colombo families, African-American organized crime, Illinois people moving to New York, New Jersey family, and the Russians. The violence in this war was close to borderline terrorism.

Eli: You've got to be fucking kidding me. All of this shit happens and the mafia still exists.
Nero: You think I'm happy? I've seen Godfather of Harlem, and I thought we'd improve overtime, but apparently not.
Max: Hey, I've seen the Godfather, so this is pretty cool.
Richie: Wait guys it gets worse. It says here after all the chaos in the year 2159, a man known only as Princip in six months time he took over all seven crime families. He made them all lower factions, and had himself and stated as boss of the bosses for the first time in over 2 centuries, making all of it just one family, the New York and Jersey crime syndicate.
Jules: Oh dear god!
Max: We just killed two made men in the most powerful crime syndicate in the world!
Nero: Why are you guys freaking out? We can just use the briefcase and leave.
Eli: Oh yeah.
Richie: Except we can't.
Max: What do you mean we can't?!
Richie: I'm typing in the coordinates it won't let us leave. Briefcase what's going on?

The briefcase says that a signal is being launched from the top of a penthouse in manhattan.

Max: Who owns this penthouse?

The briefcase says a man only known as Princip.

Everyone: Shit.

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