A Time For Adventure 1

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We all have to live through time moving forward and work hard to get the best outcome. I simply chose not to do the first.    
Doctor Edward Baker 1893-1925?

June 4, 2024 San Bernardino:
Ricardo "Richie" Rodriguez a Mexican-American college student is walking to a Starbucks with his friend Elias "Eli" Wells.

Richie: Listen Eli, I'm telling you right now you're gonna enjoy them. OK we may have different personalities, but they are fun being around. Besides, you're gonna have to see them eventually we're going to the same college.
Eli: Look man, I'm a total nerd, and I'm gonna meet up with an actress, a jock, and well I guess one of them could be a nerd.
Richie: Look, it's gonna be fine.

Richie and Eli enter a Starbucks and walk over to the table with two guys and one girl.

Richie: Hey guys.
Everyone at the table: Hey, Richie.
Richie: Guys, this is my friend I was talking about. He just graduated high school a couple weeks ago. This is Elias Wells. But I call him Eli.
Eli: Hi.

Richie then starts introducing the girl. She is a tiny bit smaller than Eli. She has black, and bluish hair.

Richie: This is Julia Schechter. Jules here, moved here seven years ago with her parents from New York when she was 14 and she has been working on becoming an actress while at our college.
Jules: It's really nice to meet you kid.
Richie: I advise, not pissing her off. Last time she was, Max ended up with a black-eye.

Richie points at the Jock who is tall has and black hair.

Richie: He is Maxwell Solomon. Now I would tell you what position in football he plays, but I don't listen to a single thing he says about that.
Max: Yeah, I get it. We all know you don't care for sports.
Nero: You're introducing me last?
Richie: Don't be like that Nero.
Eli: Nero?

The name of the African-American kid is Nero.

Richie: This is Neil Robert Gale but we call him Nero. Nero he studies in astrophysics, regular physics, engineering and I don't know what else. Safe to say out of all of us, he's probably the smartest person here.
Nero: Richie told us that you've known him the longest?
Eli: Yeah...
Nero: Was he always this much of an asshole?
Eli: He actually finds it funny.
Richie: I do. Anyway Eli talk about yourself.
Eli: We'll I'm interested in robotics I guess that's a bit similar to your thing.
Nero: Yeah sure.
Eli: Well I also like computer science.
Jules: Now that is interesting.
Richie: This guy here is a real sci fi nerd. I'm telling you he has seen everything sci fi related. You name it.
Jules: Star Wars?
Max: Even I've seen Star Wars.
Nero: Dune?
Eli: I've also read the books.
Max: The invisible man?

Everyone but Eli looks at max a but confused about his remark.

Max: My mom likes old school scary movies ok.
Eli: I've seen it. I've also read the book made by H.G Wells. It came out the same year the book Dracula did, it also came out 2 years after the Time Machine which was also made by H.G. Wells which by the way Richie you still haven't given back.
Richie: I'll give it back soon ok.
Jules: Whats the Time Machine?

Everyone then looks at Jules surprised

Nero: You've never seen Back To The Future?
Jules: I know what a Time Machine is dick! I have seen Back To The Future! I just meant I never heard of that book.
Max: Me either.
Richie: It's a book made by the same guy who made the invisible man. It's the first most well known story of a Time Machine. The guy only went forward in time though.
Nero: Actually that raises a pretty interesting question. If you could choose anywhere in time where would you travel? Just to be clear you can get back to your original time.
Jules: England during the late 1500s. Some of Shakespeare's best work occurred then.
Max: 1950s, not just to see how much the jock stereotype changed, but it was a booming time. They did disguise all the bad parts though.
Nero: I would want to go to 1986 and prevent The Challenger from exploding.
Richie: And be a hero.
Eli: I'd go to the future not the past.
Jules: How far?
Eli: I don't know maybe 100, 150 years in the future. What about you Richie? Where would you go?
Richie: November 17th 1925 New York City a few blocks away from the Edison building.
Nero: That's a pretty precise answer. What so important there?
Richie: Something you guys wouldn't understand.
Max: Bullshit.

Later that night Ritchie is in his shed working on a piece of technology. Around him is reports and sightings of anachronistic events, unusual sights in history and lots of entertainment involving time travel. Richie is currently looking at files dated May through November 1925

Richie: Come on these equations are 100 years old! I got to get it at some point! 5 years one month and 2 days I am not letting this work go to waste!

Richie looks at the complicated electrical clock in a brief case. He sets the time to 06/04/2024 11:43. He then looks at his phone and sees it is now 11:42. Richie then presses the Voyage button on the machine in the briefcase. It starts sparking and he immediately throws it out of the shed. It sparks and then disappears.

Richie: Jesus Christ. I disintegrated it. Again.

Richie them calls Eli but it goes to voicemail.

Richie: Hey Eli the book you gave me. H.G. Wells's Time Machine. I'll give it back soon. It was a good read but like I said my favorite movie is back to the future but... I'll call you back.

Ritchie sees sparks appear and the briefcase reappears.

Richie: Great Scott! 5 years of hard work and it works! It Works!

Richie's dad then immediately yells through the window.

Richie's dad: Richie shut up and come back inside it's almost midnight!

Richie: Sorry dad.

Richie then looks at a picture from 1925 of a brown haired man wearing glasses in front of Columbia University.

Richie: Thanks Professor.

(Writers note: This is my first story that I actually have full confidence in. I hope you can enjoy this. If you don't maybe others will. So I'm that case please like and spread the word. Sincerely R.A.)

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