A Time For Adventure 15

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June 21, 2024 Mojave Desert:

During the day time Eli, Richie and Amax immediately voyaged to this year. Eli losing control of his suit crashes. Max starts free-falling and is able to turn to metal before impact. Richie luckily was able to land in Lake Mojave which is nearby. Eli and Max are able to get up while Richie swims out of the lake. The three regroup.

Eli: Where... when are we?
Richie: Coordinates on the case say, the day before we left June 21st 2024. Same time of day from 59 so we don't have to make adjustments. Judging by these coordinates, we're somewhere in California, I'm guessing the Mojave Desert.
Eli: It's gonna be forever getting back.
Richie: Actually I put the coordinates as the day before so we can just voyage to my room instead of a different time the there.
Max: That's it?
Richie: Yep. Kronos is there anyone in my room currently?
Kronos: No Richie there is not.

He grabs them both and they voyage to the day they left, to Richie's Room to their present.

June 22, 2024 San Bernardino:

Max: You know, I think I've come to terms with my dad's death.
Eli: Really?
Max: Thanks to that bullshit grandfather paradox, I realize that I guess there is no point, it's something I just need to accept.
Richie: I'm proud of you Max.
Max: Thanks. Anyway, speaking of grandfather paradoxes, is there any paradoxes we should know?
Eli: Yeah, that's a good question.
Richie: One of them is the predestination paradox. It's a lot more common than you think. The way how it happens, is that you sort of need to know a lot of your future for that. If you know too much and you try to prevent it, chances are you end up causing it, like Terminator.

Richie starts writing in a new passage of the time log. R/M/E: 6/22/2024 -> 5/28/1959 -> 6/21/2024↩️.

Max: You guys think we're ever going to time travel, and not into some crazy adventure.
Richie: What happened with the future and the 50s that was just bad luck.
Eli: I swear to God next time, can we please not get killed.
Richie: Hey, so I realize something do you still have those superpowers?
Max: I don't think so.

Eli then punches max in the stomach. And Max feels the pain.

Max: No... no I don't think I do.
Richie: well, that sucks if you still had those powers, we could've been our own Legends of Tomorrow.
Max: Who?
Eli: it's this one show about a bunch of time traveling superheroes. I get it. Richie as a time traveler me with an EXO-Suit like the Atom. You with your metal superpower as Steel.
Richie: To be fair, their team usually has seven people.
Max: That's stupid what other superpowers did these guys have?
Eli: Well, there was two people a professor and mechanic who could turn into a man who could shoot fire out of his hands, and make himself fly because of it.
Richie: There were two men one with a very mobile and powerful flamethrower the other with a very mobile and powerful cryo-gun.
Eli: An assassin woman.
Max: Well, there's only three of us. And like I said, I lost my powers, so none of us are really that powerful.
Eli: You know what, sit your ass down.
Max: What?!
Eli: We're watching the show.
Richie: Really?
Eli: Yes really!
Max: I'm not really into superheroes, though.
Eli: Deal with it. season one is about an immortal Egyptian time travel from 2166 London wants to save his wife and son who killed that year by said Egyptian.
Richie: Wait, are we starting with the crossovers? Because I mean most of these main characters besides, the time traveler started off as side characters from other TV shows.

The next day, Nero is calling Jules who doesn't answer.

June 23, 2024 Hollywood

Nero: Goddamnit, Jules, pick up! Come on I haven't heard from you in a week now!
Voicemail: Hey, this is Jules please leave a message.

Nero the calls Jules mother. Amber.

Nero: Hi ma'am yeah I'm looking for Jules here in Hollywood and I can't find her anywhere. You said she was supposed to be here.
Amber: That's weird. I could've sworn that she was there working with that little guy.
Nero: Excuse me, ma'am what little guy are you talking about?
Amber: I was just some little guy. He looks like he's a late teen maybe? I don't know he looked like an adult, but he looked pretty young as well. He was Mexican if that helps.
Nero: 5'6, raggedy hair, constantly wears black.
Amber: Actually, yeah that's exactly his description. Yeah he and Jules talk to me saying that. Wait are you saying Jules is in trouble or something? Is that kid involved?
Nero: No... it's a bit more of a personal thing. don't worry I can solve this myself.

He then hangs up the phone.

Nero: It's been more than two weeks, but it seems like I still can't escape your madness. all right you asshole I'm coming to see you.

Nero then goes home to his penthouse and buys a train ticket from LA to San Bernardino. In the NYC penthouse next to the EXO-Suit helmet from 2174 they put a military hat next to it on the shelf. The shelf is marked 1959.

(Writer note: I've noticed that not many have been reading. If anyone still is reading this, please like and spread the word. If you didn't enjoy it maybe others could. By the time that this first extended plot line ends I want at least 100 to have read. Please help me achieve this goal. I'm counting on you all. Sincerely R.A.)

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