Chapter 19

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Heyy guys. Here you are another update I'm sorry for the slow updates. I literally have thirty chapters...

it's just that I'm stuck on thirty but don't worry, I'll I'm recovered from this book's writer's block.

My Mom, Dad, and Martha came to the station to make sure I was ok. Mom was livid about Martha, I could see it on her face, but she paid attention to me in the meanwhile, kissing my cheek, checking to make sure everything was okay.

"I'm fine, Mom," I pulled away from her, more worried about Theodore than anything else.

"Are you sure?" Dad asked, frowning at Martha with worry. "Your house got blown up."

"You could have died!" Mom exclaimed. "You need to come back and live with me–"

"No," I shook my head. "I'm more worried about Theo. He's angry–I mean someone's trying to kill him and..." I stopped myself from saying me. I didn't want my mother to know.

Martha smiled softly. "Why don't you go and talk to him, as long as you are–"

"Don't talk to my kid." My Mom butted in.

Dad furrowed his brows. "Calypso–"

"No, Dad, let me," I sighed, he nodded and Mom, oblivious to my anger, nodded as well. "Mom, I am not an object, neither am I a child. Dad and Martha have been married for fifteen years. Get over it," I got up and brushed past my surprised mother, going to find Theodore.

I knocked on the door that had a number five on it, remembering that Theodore would be in there, before opening the door. Theodore and some police officers were discussing things but I didn't care. "Can I speak with Trancy? Privately."

The officers nodded and walked away, confused, but still gave us our privacy.

"What do you want?" He asked, throwing a file on the table, avoiding eye contact.

I sighed, walking up to him. "Theodore, I didn't mean to do what I did. I know it was exactly what you didn't want and it happened, I'm sorry, it's just," I laughed. "It's not everyday a six foot seven inched man with seemingly superhuman powers got angry in front of me. I'm not afraid of you, Theodore, I promise."

"I guess this is the part where I apologize for taking my anger out on you and getting hurt about it when you get scared?"

I blinked, laughing a bit because I was confused. "Um, I think."

"I apologize, Stephanie, I shouldn't have been in my feelings after scaring you right after there was a bomb in your amazon package. Someone's trying to kill you because of me, so it doesn't feel right when you apologize. I don't accept your apology–but you have to accept mine." He finally looked at me and I smiled.

I rolled my eyes. "So we're good?" I smiled widely when he nodded. I jumped him with a hug and kissed his cheek excessively. "I felt so bad, you have no idea." I hugged him tightly before pulling away.

Theodore looked a little awkward at the shift of emotion but I didn't mind. "I've never received such kindness from you."

I rolled my eyes. "You're so dramatic." I giggled, shaking my head as he continued to read the files. "Theodore?"

"Yes?" He answered.

"Where are we going to live now?" He looked up again with a completely blank look.

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"I can't fucking believe this bullshit." I growled when Theodore drove up to my mother's place.

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